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Revision as of 09:41, 5 January 2018 by Nandakumar (talk | contribs) ('350 '''COASTAL REGULATIONZONE NOTIFICATION, 2011'''<br> Provided that,-<br> (i) such redevelopment schemes shall be undert...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
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Provided that,-
(i) such redevelopment schemes shall be undertaken directly or through joint ventures or through public private partnerships or other similar models ensuring that the stake of the State Government or its parastatalentities shall be not less than 51%,
(ii) the Floor Space Index or Floor Area Ratio for such redevelopment schemes shall be in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Regulations prevailing as on the date on which the project is granted approval by the competent authority;
(iii) it shall be the duty of the project proponent undertaking the redevelopment through conditions (i) (2) above along with the State Government to ensure that all legally regularized tenants are provided houses in situ or as per norms laid down by the State Government in this regard.

(c)REDEVELOPMENT OF DILAPIDATED, CESSED ANDUNSAFEBUILDINGS: 1. In the Greater Mumbai, there are, also a large number of old and dilapidated, cessed and unsafe buildings in the CRZ areas and due to their age these structures are extremely vulnerable and disaster prone and therefore there is an urgent need for the redevelopment or reconstruction of these identified buildings.

2. These projects shall be taken up subject to the following conditions and safeguards:
(i) such redevelopment or reconstruction projects as identified on the date of issue of this notification shall be allowed to be taken up involving the owners of these buildings either above or with private developers inaccordance with the prevailing Regulation, directly orthrough joint ventures or through other similar models.
(ii) the Floor Space Index or Floor Area Ratio for such redevelopment schemes shall be in accordance with the Town and Country Planning Regulations prevailing as on the date on which the project is granted approval by the competent authority
(iii) suitable accommodation to the original tenants of the specified buildings shall be ensured during the course of redevelopment or reconstruction of the buildings by the project proponents, undertaking the redevelopment through condition 2(i) above.

(d) Notwithstanding anything contained in this notification, the developmental activities for slums and for dilapidated, cessed and unsafe buildings as specified at paras (b) and (c) above shall be carried out in an accountable and transparentmanner by the project proponents mentioned therein which shall include the following pre-condition measures, wherever applicable;-
1.(i) applicability of the Right to Information Act, 2005 to all redevelopment or reconstruction projects granted clearance by the Competent Authorities;
(ii) MoEF shall issue an order constituting the CPIO and the first Appellate Authority of appropriate ranks in consultation with Government of Maharashtra;
(iii) details of the Slum Rehabilitation Scheme, including the complete proposal and the names of the eligible slum dwellers will be declared suo-moto as a requirement of Section 4 of compliance of the Right to Information Act, 2005 by the appropriate authority in the Government of Maharashtra in one month before approving it;
(iv) the implementing or executing agency at the State Government with regard to projects indicated at Sub-item (b) and (c) of item (iii) of sub-paragraph V shall display on a large notice boards at the site and at the office of the implementing or executing agency the names of the eligible builders, total number oftenements being made, names of eligible slum dwellers who are to be provided the dwelling units and the extra area available for free Sale.
(v) Projects being developed under sub-items (b) and (c) of item (iii) of sub-paragraphV shall be given permission only if the project proponentagree to be covered under the Right to Information Act, 2005.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ