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82 THE TRAVANCORE - COCHIN PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1955 Sec. 80 bacillican be demonstrated from the mucous membrane of the patient's nose or from his skin, by any recognized standard method of examination approved by the Government. (b) “Authorised practitioner means a medical practitioner authorised by the Government in this behalf. 80. Provision for treatment of leprosy by local authority.- A local authority may, and if so required by the Government shall, make such arrangement in its local area as may be directed by the Government for(a) the free diagnosis and treatment of persons suffering, or suspected to suffer, from leprosy, and (b) the prevention of infection from leprosy. 81. Persons suffering from leprosy not to engage in certain occupations.- (1) No person who knows that he is suffering from leprosy shall, until he is certified by an authorised practitioner to be non-infectious and to have been so for a period of not less than three months, engage himself or accept any employment(i) As a Cook, attendant, workman, salesman, server, or carrier in any place where food is sold to members of the public or is prepared or stored for such sale; (ii) As a Worker tending on or milking cow, buffaloes, or goats whose milk is to be sold or distributed to members of the public, or as a seller or distributor of milk to members of the public; (iii) as driver or conductor of a public conveyance; (iv) as a public servant; or (v) in any other capacity which, in the opinion of the Health Officer involves deleterious contact with other persons not suffering from leprosy. (2) No person who knows that he is suffering from leprosy shall, until he is certified by an authorised practitioner to be non-infectious and to have been so for a period of not less than six months(a) attend any school, college, playground or other similar place either as a teacher or as a member of the staff employed therein; or (b) engage himself or accept any employment(i) as a doctor, nurse, midwife, ayah or orderly, (ii) as a barber or hair-dresser, (iii) as a tailor, (iv) as a dhobi or launderer, (V) as a house servant, personal attender ora peon, (vi) in any other capacity which, in the opinion of the Health Officer involves deleterious contact with children. (3) No one who has the care of any person whom he knows to be suffering from leprosy shall cause or permit such person to engage himself or accept any employment in any of the capacities referred to in sub-section (1) or to attend any place or engage himself or accept any employment in any of the capacities referred to in sub-section (2), until he is certified by a authorised practitioner as set forth in sub-section (1), or subsection (2), as the case may be. (4) No one shall engage or employ any person whom he knows to be Suffering from leprosy in any of the capacities referred to in sub-sections (1) and (2) until he is certified by an authorised practitioner as set forth in sub-section (1) or sub-section (2), as the case may be. 82. Persons suffering from leprosy not to use public conveyance.- (1) No person who knows that he is suffering from leprosy shall(a) enter any public conveyance used for the conveyance of passengers at separate fares, or

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ