Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0573

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(10) Bones and refuses shall not be thrown out but shall be put in a receptacle kept for the purpose.

(11) When not in use, the blocks and table should be kept covered so that they may not be dirtied by animals and birds. (12) Meat in the stall shall not be exhibited or shown causing disturbance to the public.


Panchayat Raj (Slaughter Houses and Meat Stalls) Rules, 1996 (Kerala) — R.38, 39, 40— Panchayat has no power to auction out the right for vending meat in a private market — Licensee of the private market is the competent person to grant licence but he has to get a licence under the Dangerous and Offensive Rules - Salim v. Dy. Director of Panchayat — 2003 (3) KLT 516.

40 A. Prohibition on throwing away of debris and wastes.-

No Owner or Licensee of a slaughter house or meat stall or a butcher shall deposit or bury or cause it to flow the waste, meat, etc., of animals or birds in a place and in such manner other than that approved by the Village Panchayat and shall not permit or cause himself thereof.

40 B. Cancellation of licence.—

The Village Panchayat may after giving prior notice cancel the licence of any person who violates any of the provisions of these rules.]

41. Penalty for breach of rules.-

Any person violating 2" [Rules 3, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 26, 38, 40 and 40(a)] or abetting such violation shall on conviction before a Magistrate be liable to a fine which may extend to rupees one thousand.

(See Rule 6)

.....................Village Panchayat (Licence No ) Subject to the provisions of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and the Kerala Panchayat Raj (Slaughter houses and Meat Stalls) Rules, 1996 ......... .................... (Name and address) is hereby permitted to slaughter any of the cattle, horses, goats, sheep or pigs for sale as food or to skin or to cut up any carcass in Survey No ........... ... of the ......... Village ............ Taluk in consideration of fee of rupees fifty payable in advance. 2. The licence should be in possession of the licensee who shall produce it whenever required by the President or Secretary or the Examining Authority.

Place :

Date:(Secretary, )

............Village Panchayat