Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0751

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(3) In the case of any construction by any Defence organisation, the officer-incharge of the organisation may intimate the Secretary giving general indications whether they are residential or otherwise for enabling the Secretary to estimate the requirement of water, electricity and sewage disposal.

(4) In the case of any construction of building by the Panchayat, the Secretary may approve the plans with his certificate on the plans that the proposed building is in conformity with the provisions of these rules.

(5) In the case of an application to construct or re-construct a building or make alteration or addition or extension to a building or make or enlarge any structure within a distance of 100 metres from any property maintained by the Defence establishment, the Secretary shall consult in writing the officer in charge of the said establishment, before permission is granted. Such officer shall furnish his reply within 30 days from the date of receipt of the consultation letter if such establishment has any objection to the proposed construction. The objections raised by the officer within the said 30 days shall be duly considered by the Secretary before issuing permit. If no objection is received within the stipulated time, the Secretary shall presume that there is no objection and proceed with the issue of permit as per rules.

(6) In the case of an application to erect or re-erect a building or make alteration or addition or extension to a building or to make or enlarge any structure within 30 metres from the boundary of railway track land maintained by Railways, the Secretary shall consult in writing the Railway Authority concerned before any permission is granted. Such authority shall, furnish the reply within 30 days from the date of receipt of the consultation letter if the authority has any objection to the proposed construction. The objection, if any, raised by the Railway Authority, within the said 30 days shall be duly considered by the Secretary before issuing permit.

(7) In the case of constructions or reconstructions in sites owned by central government, state government, autonomous bodies, quasi-governmental agencies, local self government institutions and Devaswom Boards, which are identified or advised by the Art and Heritage commission as having heritage value, concurrence of the commission shall be obtained, even if it involves only additions, alterations or demolition of existing buildings in the site.

[(8) In the case of an application to construct or reconstruct a building or make alteration or addition or extension within any security zone, the Secretary shall consult the District Collector concerned, before permission is granted and the District Collector shall furnish his reply, after obtaining the specific recommendations from the Director General of Police and Secretary shall, while issuing the permit, comply with the objection, if any, raised and/or restriction and/or regulation, if any, suggested by the District Collector.

(8A) In the case of construction of new building or reconstruction for religious purpose or