Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0812

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90A[above it, if the existing ground floor and proposed first floor have minimum 1.50 metres distance from the boundary abutting such cul-de-sac, lane or street irrespective of whether it satisfies the provisions in Rule 28 and Rule 36:

Provided further that for the purpose of calculating maximum coverage and floor area ratio permissible and for calculating the total off street parking requirements both the proposed extension and the building proposed to be extended shall be taken into account.

(3) Separate and independent building shall be permitted in a plot already having one or more buildings, if the proposed building satisfies the provisions of this rule, irrespective of whether the existing buildings in that plot satisfies the provisions of these Rules or not:

Provided that for the purpose of calculating maximum coverage and floor area ratio permissible and for calculating the total off street parking requirements both the proposed and the existing building in the plot shall be taken into account:

Provided further that the proposed building shall have minimum 1.50 metres distance from the other existing buildings, if the proposed building has not more than 3 floors and shall have minimum 3 metres distance, if the proposed building has more than three floors.

(4) Conversion of roof with the same or a different material shall be permitted to any building, if not otherwise prohibited by these rules or main rules or the Act, irrespective of whether such building conforms to the provisions in these rules or not:

Provided that the clear distance of the roof edges from the plot boundaries shall not be reduced from the existing distance, but however where sufficient distance is available it can be reduced to such extent that the provisions regarding projections permissible into open space as provided in rule 27 shall be observed:

Provided further that no portion of the roof shall encroach or project into the street or the neighbouring plots and water from the roof shall not be allowed to fall into the street or the neighbouring plots or the plot boundaries:

Provided also that no permission shall be necessary for conversion of roof with grass, leaf or thatch.

(5) Conversion of shutters or doors with the same or a different material or erection of shutters or doors shall be permitted in any building irrespective of whether such building conforms to the provisions in these rules or not: Provided that the area or height of the building shall not be increased.]


98. When the Panchayat in which these rules are extended comprises Tribal Area Declared/ notified by Government, the provisions in this chapter need only be made applicable to those constructions/developments intended for Tribal people or made by Tribal people, in Tribal areas.

99. In the case of construction/developments by authorised agencies for the welfare of Tribal people; the Engineer or Architect in charge of the project/scheme shall prepare layout and designs suitable for the area and life style of the Tribals, in consultation with their representatives including the “Mooppan" of the area; and get them approved by the Panchayat.

(a) The minimum distance between the plot boundary abutting any street other than National Highways, State Highways, District roads and other roads notified by the Panchayat and the building other than compound wall or fence or out door display structure shall be 1.5 metres;