Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0612

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or directly by the Panchayat if it can be executed urgently and profitably be using local materials or through beneficiary committee if it can be executed by the participation of beneficiary committee:

Provided that when a method of public work is decided accordingly, the possibility to execute the work through the beneficiary committee is to be considered and priority shall be given to such method and if the priority cannot be given the reason for the same shall be specified the decision of Panchayat:

Provided further that the execution of public works according to the scheme formulated by the Central or State shall be subject to the guidelines issued by the Central Government or the State Government in this regard.

(5) If the Panchayat is convinced that a contract that may be fixed for any public work is having inordinate rate or the contract period is longer and if such work can be executed at a lower cost, directly by the Panchayat or through the beneficiary committee, the Panchayat may so decide.

(6). The manner in which ā public work is decided to be executed, the reason for such a decision shall be specified in the decision of Panchayat.

Explanation.— If a patasekhara committee or a parent teacher association or any other similar committee is functioning in a Panchayat and in the case of a public work connected with it, such committee may be considered as a beneficiary committee.

4. Power of various authorities to give administrative sanction.- Subject to the availability of resource and budgetary provision, the authority competent to give administrative sanction to the estimates of public works and to what extent the sanction can be given is as follows, namely:-


(1) Standing Committee: Not exceeding rupees twenty five thousand (2) Village Panchayat:Exceeding rupees twenty five thousand


(1) Standing Committee having the control of public works : Not exceeding rupees fifty thousand

(2) Block Panchayat: Exceeding rupees fifty thousand


(1) Standing Committee having the control of public works : Not exceeding rupees one lakh

(2) District Panchayat: Exceeding rupees one lakh

5. Fixing of rate in District level for preparation of estimate.- (1) The Government shall constitute a technical committee in each District consisting of District Collector as Chairman, a Superintending Engineer appointed by Government, an officer not below the rank of Deputy Secretary in Finance Department, District Statistical Officer, District Labour Officer, an expert having a degree in Civil Engineering from a technical institution owned or recognised by the Government as members, for fixing the rates at District level as a basis for preparing estimate to the public works of Panchayats. The said committee shall fix and publish in advance such district level annual works rate, as to come into force in that district from the 1st day of April each year.

(2) The annual work rates generally to be in force in the District shall be fixed by the technical committee after considering the market rate and area works rate prevailing in various parts of a District: