
From Panchayatwiki

not exceeding fifteen, as the Central Government may deem necessary, to be appointed from amongst persons having knowledge and practical experience in the field of elementary education and child development.

(2) The functions of the National Advisory Council shall be to advise the Central Government on implementation of the provisions of the Act in an effective manner.

(3) The allowances and other terms and conditions of the appointment of Members of the National Advisory Council shall be such as may be prescribed.

34. Constitution of State Advisory Council.- (1) The State Government shall constitute, by notification, a State Advisory Council consisting of such number of Members, not exceeding fifteen, as the State Government may deem necessary, to be appointed from amongst persons having knowledge and practical experience in the field of elementary education and child development.

(2) The functions of the State Advisory Council shall be to advise the State Government on implementation of the provisions of the Act in an effective manner.

(3) The allowances and other terms and conditions of appointment of Members of the State Advisory Council shall be such as may be prescribed.



35. Power to issue directions- (1) The Central Government may issue such guidelines to the appropriate Government or, as the case may be, the local authority, as it deems fit for the purposes of implementation of the provisions of this Act.

(2) The appropriate Government may issue guidelines and give such directions, as it deems fit, to the local authority or the School Management Committee regarding implementation of the provisions of this Act.

(3) The local authority may issue guidelines and give such directions, as it deems fit, to the School Management Committee regarding implementation of the provisions of this Act.

36. Previous sanction for prosecution.- No prosecution for offences punishable under sub-section (2) of Section 13, sub-section (5) of Section 18 and sub-section (5) of Section 19 shall be instituted except with the previous sanction of an officer authorised in this behalf, by the appropriate Government, by notification.

37. Protection of action taken in good faith- No suit or other legal proceeding shall lie against the Central Government, the State Government, the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights, the State Commission for Protection of Child Rights, the local authority, the School Management Committee or any person, in respect of anything which is in good faith done or intended to be done, in pursuance of this Act, or any rules or order made thereunder.

38. Power of appropriate Government to make rules.- (1) The appropriate Government may by notification, make rules, for carrying out the provisions of this Act.

(2) In particular, and without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing powers, such rules may provide for all or any of the following matters, namely:-

(a) the manner of giving special training and the time-limit thereof, under first proviso to Section 4;

(b) the area or limits for establishment of a neighbourhood school, under Section 6;

(c) the manner of maintenance of records of children up to the age of fourteen years, under clause

(d) of Section 9; (d) the manner and extent of reimbursement of expenditure, under sub-section (2) of Section 12;

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