
From Panchayatwiki
Revision as of 08:23, 30 May 2019 by Gangadharan (talk | contribs)
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26(1) Failure to comply with notice to provide Ten rupees efficient drainage ten rupees
27 Failure to comply with notice requiring to Ten rupees Connect a house drain with an outside drain ten rupees
28 Failure on the part of the owner of land to Twenty rupees comply with notice requiring a drain for a hut on the land twenty rupees
29 Failure to comply with notice for paving or Ten rupees raising the level of any court, yard etc., ten rupees
30(2) Failure to comply with notice requiring Ten rupees removal or closure of cesspool ten rupees
32 Letting out Sullage or sewage into a street, etc. Ten rupees 33 Discharging injurious refuse etc., into a drain Twenty rupees ten rupees
34 Polluting water-course Ten rupees ten rupees
36 Constructing or reconstructing a building Ten rupees intended for human habitation Without a sanitary convenience ten rupees
37 Failure to comply with notice regarding provision Ten rupees of sanitary conveniences or latrines ten rupees
38(2) Failure to comply with notice requiring removal Ten rupees or improvement of latrines ten rupees
42 Failure to comply with notice to abate nuisance ten rupees
44 Failure to comply with Magistrate's order Twenty rupees prohibiting the use of a house or building twenty rupees
55(2) Failure to comply with notice prohibiting the Twenty rupees use of unwholesome Water twenty rupees
57 Exposing other persons to infection Five rupees five rupees
58(a) Infected persons carrying on trade in articles Ten rupees of food ten rupees
58(b) (b) Infected persons engaging in other OCCupations Ten rupees without permit ten rupees
65 Failure to close lodging houses, etc. Twenty rupees twenty rupees
69 Exposing other persons to infection Ten rupees ten rupees
70(1) Failure to comply with notice forbidding work in Ten rupees infected premises ten rupees
74(2) Failure to comply with any order or direction Fifty rupees issued by the Collector or other officer fifty rupees
75(1) Failure to take steps for the destruction of Five rupees rats, mice, etc. five rupees
75(2) Failure to comply with the notice for the Five rupees destruction of rats, mice, etc. five rupees
81(1&2) Person knowing that he is suffering from leprosy Ten rupees accepting employment in certain capacities, etc. ten rupees
81(3) Causing or permitting person known to suffer from Ten rupees leprosy to accept employment in such capacities ten rupees
81(4) Engaging person known to suffer from leprosy Ten rupees in such capacities ten rupees
83(1) Person knowing that he is suffering from leprosy Ten rupees attending school or taking books or newspapers from public library, etc ten rupees
This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Gangadharan

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