
From Panchayatwiki

            3. The floor of every latrine shall be of non-absorbent material and shall in every part be at least three inches higher than the surface of the adjoining ground and be suitably graded.

            4. When two or more seats are provided in a latrine, each seat shall be separated from the other or others by a partition SO Constructed as to secure privacy to the persons using such latrines.

            5. The OCCupier of any premises shall cause every latrine in such premises to be maintained at all times in good order.

            6. The occupier of any premises shall, when so required by the Health Officer, provide and use disinfectants and other accessories for the disinfection of the latrine in such premises.


Water Closets

            7. Water closets shall be in accordance with one or other of the type designs approved by the Sanitary Engineer or other authority empowered by the Government in this behalf. The work of installation should be done by a licensed plumber or under the supervision of a qualified person.

            8. (1) No septic tank shall be constructed in any premises except in accordance with one of the type designs approved by the Sanitary Engineer or other authority empowered by the Government in his behalf. The work shall not be executed except by a licensed plumber or under the supervision of a qualified person.

            (2) In the case of premises owned by the Government, the work shall not be brought into use unless it is certified that it has been properly constructed(a) by an officer of the Public Health Department of the Government or the local authority not below the rank of a Second-Class Health Officer; and (b) by an Engineering Officer of the Government not below the rank of Assistant Engineer in the Madras Engineering Service.

            (3) In the case of premises not owned by the Government the work shall not be brought into ԱSe(a) in a municipal area, unless it is certified that it has been properly constructed(i) by the municipal Health Officer or if there is no municipal Health Officer by an officer of the Public Health Department of the Government or of the district board of the district in which the municipality is situated, not below the rank of Assistant Health Officer, and (ii) by the Municipal Engineer or if there is no Municipal Engineer by an Engineering Officer of the district board of the district in which the municipality is situated, not below the rank of Local Fund Assistant Engineer; and (b) in other areas, unless it is certified that it has been properly constructed by the Assistant District Health Officer and by the Local Fund Assistant Engineer.

            9. The water closet and septic tank and works connected therewith shall be maintained in proper order and except human excreta no garbage, refuse, or other matter, which is likely to obstruct or interfere with their proper Working shall be placed or allowed in the water closet and septic tank Systems.

            10. For the purposes of this part a local authority may maintain a list of licensed plumbers or a register of qualified persons in accordance with the bye-laws framed by such local authority in this behalf.


            11. Every person who constructs a privy in connection with a building shall comply with the following conditions:-

            (a) The privy shall be so constructed that the entrance to it is from an open space or verandah and not directly from a habitable portion of the main building.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ