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('120 THE MADRAS PUBLIC HEALTH ACT 1939 Sec. 26 26. New house not to be occupied without adequate water-supply- No owner of...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
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26. New house not to be occupied without adequate water-supply- No owner of any dwelling house which may be constructed or reconstructed after the commencement of this Act in any urban local area shall occupy it, or cause or permit it to be occupied, until he has obtained a certificate from an officer of the Public Health Department of the local authority concerned, not below the rank of Health or Sanitary Inspector, that there is within the house, or within a reasonable distance therefrom, a supply of wholesome water sufficient for the domestic purposes of the inmates of the house.
Sec. 35                        THE MADRAS PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1939                             121
27. Local Authority to maintain public drains.- (1) Every urban local authority shall, so far as the funds at its disposal may permit, provide and maintain a sufficient and satisfactory system of public drains for the effectual draining of its local area.
(a) except upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon between or among the owners concerned, or
(2) If, in the opinion of the Government, any local area or part thereof should, for any special reason, be provided with a system of public drains or with any other means of drainage, they may direct the local authority to provide or execute, within such time as may be fixed by them in this behalf, such works as may be considered necessary by them.
(3) The local authority shall at all times keep in good repair all drains, cesspools and the like vested in or belonging to it.)
(b) in default of such agreement, except upon such terms as may be laid down by the local authority and in particular, until any payment which may be directed by the local authority to be made to the owner or owners concerned, has been duly made.
28. Power of Health Officer to require drains to be constructed.- (1) If any premises are in the opinion of the Health Officer, without sufficient means of effectual drainage, he may, by notice, direct the owner of such premises to construct a drain leading therefrom to the nearest public drain or other place set apart by the local authority for the discharge of sewage:
Provided that(a) the cost of constructing that portion of the drain which is situated more than one hundred feet from the said premises, shall be paid from out of the funds of the local authority concerned; and (b) if, in the opinion of the Health Officer, there is no public drain or other place set apart for the discharge of Sewage within a reasonable distance of such premises, he may, by notice, require the owner of the premises to Construct
'''30. Drainage for huts''' — (1) Drains for the drainage of huts shall be of such size and description, and be constructed of such materials, as may be considered by the Health Officer to be practicable, having regard to the circumstances of the locality and the position of the nearest public drain or other place set apart by the local authority for the discharge of sewage.
(i) a closed cess-pool, tank, filter or other work of such material, size and description, as he may direct; and
(ii) a house-drain Communicating with Such closed cesspool, tank, filter or other work.
(2) If the Health Officer considers that a new drain should be constructed for the benefit of the occupants of the hut, he may, by notice, require the owner of the land on which such hut stands, to construct such drain and such owner shall construct such drain, and cause it to be cleansed and repaired to the satisfaction of the Health Officer.
(2) Where by reason of a local authority changing its system of drainage or undertaking a new system of drainage, it becomes necessary for the owner of any premises to reconstruct or alter any drain, the cost of the reconstruction or alteration of such drain shall be borne wholly by the local authority, or wholly by the owner, or partly by the local authority and partly by the owner, in accordance with such rules as may be prescribed.
29. Drains in private streets.- Where a house-drain belonging to one or more premises has been laid in any private street which is common to more than one premises and the Health Officer considers it desirable that any other premises should be drained into such drain, he may, by notice, require the Owner of such premises to connect his house-drain with such first-mentioned drain; and the owner or owners of Such first-mentioned drain shall thereupon be bound to permit such connection to be made:
'''31. Drainage of court-yard, alley, passage, etc'''.-- For the purpose of efficiently draining any land or building the Health Officer may, by notice, require the owner of any court-yard, alley, lane, passage or open space
Provided that no such connection shall be made
(a) to pave the same with such material and in such manner as may be approved by the Health Officer and to keep such paving in proper repair; or
(b) to raise the level of such court-yard, alley, lane, passage or open space.
Explanation:- It shall be open to the Health Officer to require that in any case both the measures specified in clauses (a) and (b) of this section shall be taken.
'''32. Construction and closure of cesspools'''.— (1) No person shall construct a cesspool
(a) beneath any part of any building or within fifty feet of any tank, reservoir, water-course or well or within such other distance there from as the Health Officer may consider to be practicable having regard to the circumstances of the locality; or
(b) within any local area, or outside such area but within three hundred feet of any reservoir used for the storage of filtered water to be supplied to such area, except upon a site and in a position which have been approved in writing by the Health Officer.
(2) The Heath Officer may, at anytime, by notice, require any person within whose premises any cesspool is constructed in contravention of sub-section (1) to remove such cesspool or to fill it up with such material as may be approved by him.
'''33. Prohibition of occupation of new building without drains'''.— No owner of any building constructed or reconstructed after the commencement of this Act in any urban local area shall occupy it, or cause or permit it to be occupied, until he has obtained a certificate from the Health Officer that the building has been provided with sufficient means of drainage.
'''34. Sullage or sewage not to be let out into streets'''.- No person having control over any building or land shall cause or allow
(a) the water of any sink, sewer, latrine or sanitary convenience, on any other liquid or other matter which is, or is likely to become, offensive, to run or drain into or to be thrown or put upon, any street or open space or to soak through any external wall; or
(b) any offensive matter from any sewer, latrine or sanitary convenience, to run, drain or be thrown into a surface drain in any street.
'''35. Injurious refuse not to be discharged into public drains'''. No person shall, save as may be generally or specially prescribed, throw, empty, or turn or suffer or permit to be thrown, emptied or turned or to pass, into any public drain, or into any drain communicating with a public drain
(a) any matter likely to injure the drain or to interfere with the free flow of its contents, or to affect prejudicially the treatment and disposal of such contents; or
(b) any liquid being refuse or steam or other liquid which is either alone or in combination with the contents of the drain, dangerous, or the cause of a nuisance, or prejudicial to health; or
(c) any explosive, or inflammable substance.

Revision as of 04:18, 2 February 2018


(a) except upon such terms as may be mutually agreed upon between or among the owners concerned, or

(b) in default of such agreement, except upon such terms as may be laid down by the local authority and in particular, until any payment which may be directed by the local authority to be made to the owner or owners concerned, has been duly made.

30. Drainage for huts — (1) Drains for the drainage of huts shall be of such size and description, and be constructed of such materials, as may be considered by the Health Officer to be practicable, having regard to the circumstances of the locality and the position of the nearest public drain or other place set apart by the local authority for the discharge of sewage.

(2) If the Health Officer considers that a new drain should be constructed for the benefit of the occupants of the hut, he may, by notice, require the owner of the land on which such hut stands, to construct such drain and such owner shall construct such drain, and cause it to be cleansed and repaired to the satisfaction of the Health Officer.

31. Drainage of court-yard, alley, passage, etc.-- For the purpose of efficiently draining any land or building the Health Officer may, by notice, require the owner of any court-yard, alley, lane, passage or open space

(a) to pave the same with such material and in such manner as may be approved by the Health Officer and to keep such paving in proper repair; or

(b) to raise the level of such court-yard, alley, lane, passage or open space. Explanation:- It shall be open to the Health Officer to require that in any case both the measures specified in clauses (a) and (b) of this section shall be taken.

32. Construction and closure of cesspools.— (1) No person shall construct a cesspool

(a) beneath any part of any building or within fifty feet of any tank, reservoir, water-course or well or within such other distance there from as the Health Officer may consider to be practicable having regard to the circumstances of the locality; or

(b) within any local area, or outside such area but within three hundred feet of any reservoir used for the storage of filtered water to be supplied to such area, except upon a site and in a position which have been approved in writing by the Health Officer.

(2) The Heath Officer may, at anytime, by notice, require any person within whose premises any cesspool is constructed in contravention of sub-section (1) to remove such cesspool or to fill it up with such material as may be approved by him.

33. Prohibition of occupation of new building without drains.— No owner of any building constructed or reconstructed after the commencement of this Act in any urban local area shall occupy it, or cause or permit it to be occupied, until he has obtained a certificate from the Health Officer that the building has been provided with sufficient means of drainage.

34. Sullage or sewage not to be let out into streets.- No person having control over any building or land shall cause or allow

(a) the water of any sink, sewer, latrine or sanitary convenience, on any other liquid or other matter which is, or is likely to become, offensive, to run or drain into or to be thrown or put upon, any street or open space or to soak through any external wall; or

(b) any offensive matter from any sewer, latrine or sanitary convenience, to run, drain or be thrown into a surface drain in any street.

35. Injurious refuse not to be discharged into public drains. No person shall, save as may be generally or specially prescribed, throw, empty, or turn or suffer or permit to be thrown, emptied or turned or to pass, into any public drain, or into any drain communicating with a public drain

(a) any matter likely to injure the drain or to interfere with the free flow of its contents, or to affect prejudicially the treatment and disposal of such contents; or

(b) any liquid being refuse or steam or other liquid which is either alone or in combination with the contents of the drain, dangerous, or the cause of a nuisance, or prejudicial to health; or

(c) any explosive, or inflammable substance.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ