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                                             FORM IV
                                             FORM IV
                                         [See rule 8 (2)]
                                         [See rule 8 (2)]
                                      TRANSFER BY LEASE  
                                        TRANSFER BY LEASE  

THIS INDENTURE made on this the........
THIS INDENTURE made on this the........

Latest revision as of 05:21, 24 January 2019


(3) On the written request of the lessee within three calendar months prior to the expiry of the period for which lease is granted the lessor will grant on lease the rented building and premises for a further period of................. ............years under the terms and conditions for renewal with the same terms and conditions contained on this indenture. In witness whereof the................ ...................for and on behalf of the lessor Panchayat have set their hands and the seal of the Panchayat is hereto affixed on the day and year first above written.


All that piece or parcel of land and premises situated in the registration sub-district the registration district the......................... district and bounded on the north by........................on the south by.........................on the east by...........................and on the west by........ ..................bearing resurvey No.......................and old Survey No...................................and containing on the whole by admeasurement...... ....................(be the same more or less). Signed and sealed by the above first named (lessee) in the presence of the following witnesses. Witnesses: l. 2. Signed by the second named, Panchayat Secretary the lessor in the presence of witnesses Witnesses: 1. 2. common seal of the office of the Panchayat affixed in the presence of.. .............

                                            FORM IV
                                        [See rule 8 (2)]
                                       TRANSFER BY LEASE 

THIS INDENTURE made on this the........ ...BETWEEN the Panchayat of.............. .................constituted under the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994) (hereinafter called "lessor" which expression where the context admits shall include his successors and assigns) of the one part AND Sri/Smt............. aged....................................son/daughter of............................. .................residing at.. ...............and carrying on the business of...........................(hereinafter called the “lessee" which expression where the context admits shall include his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and permitted assigns) of the other part.

WHEREAS, the lessee has applied to the lessor for a lease of the property more particularly described in the first schedule hereto for a period and at the rate of lease rent prescribed and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter contained in the second schedule.

AND WHEREAS, the lessor has agreed to grant a lease of the said property in the manner hereinafter contained.

1. NOW THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: That in consideration of the lease rent hereby reserved and of the covenants by the lessee herein contained the lessor demises unto the lessee, ALL that piece or parcel of land together with the building and premises known as......... ..... situate in the registration district