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                                               FORM III  
                                               FORM III  
                                TRANSFER OF RENT
                                          TRANSFER OF RENT
                                          [See rule 7 (2)]  
                                              [See rule 7 (2)]  

THIS INDENTURE made on this the .........
THIS INDENTURE made on this the .........

Latest revision as of 05:03, 24 January 2019


quietly posses and enjoy the said premises free from all encumbrances whatsoever and receive the rents and profits thereof without any lawful eviction, interruption, claim or demand whatsoever from or by the vendor or any other person or persons AND further that the vendor and all persons having lawfully or equitably claiming any estate or interest in the said premises or any of them or any part thereof from or under a trust for the vendor shall and will from time to time and at all times hereafter at the request and cost of the purchaser do execute and register or cause to be done executed and registered all such acts, deeds and things whatsoever for further and more perfectly assuring the said premises and every part thereof, unto the vendor in manner aforesaid as shall may be reasonably required and the vendor hereby undertake and agree that he shall pay all assessments and taxes presently due or may be levied hereafter by the Government of Kerala.

IN WITNESS whereof................for the Panchayat hath hereunto set his hand and seal of the Panchayat on the day and year first above written.

                                        THE SCHEDULE 

All that piece or parcel of land building and premises, situated in the village of.. the registration sub-district of.. the Registration District of ................. District bounded on the north by ...on the south by ................................ on the east by .................................. and on the west by .................. bearing survey No............... .....................and containing on the whole by admeasurement.....

Signed, sealed and delivered by the...................................Panchayat Secretary on behalf of the ........................Panchayat in the presence of witnesses.



2. .............................

(Seal of the Panchayat) ...............

                                              FORM III 
                                          TRANSFER OF RENT
                                             [See rule 7 (2)] 

THIS INDENTURE made on this the ......... .................... day of ......BETWEEN ..... ... aged.............. ..............son of................... ..................residing............. .................carrying on business at ....... ........(hereinafter called "the lessee" which expression, where the context admits, shall include his heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and assigns) of the ONE PART and the............. .....Panchayat constituted under the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994) (hereinafter called "the lessor” which expression where the context admits, shall include its official successors and assigns) of the OTHER PART.

1. In consideration of the rent hereby reserved and of the covenants by the lessor herein contained the lessor demises unto the lessee all that piece or parcel of land with building known as........... .........with its premises situate in the registration sub-district of..... ............ in the Registration District of ........... ...........comprised in survey number .......... ............... and more particularly described in the schedule attached here to for a term of ....years from the of ... ..............paying therefore in advance the rent of Rs. ................ (Rupees....... ................) for each year clear of all deductions the first of such payments to be made on the ....days of ....