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('Sec. 20 THE MADRAS PUBLIC HEALTH ACT, 1939 117 area for domestic purposes, to be a source of public water-supply for such...' താൾ സൃഷ്ടിച്ചിരിക്കുന്നു)
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area for domestic purposes, to be a source of public water-supply for such purposes and every such source shall thereafter be under the control of local authority, only to the extent necessary
area for domestic purposes, to be a source of public water-supply for such purposes and every such source shall thereafter be under the control of local authority, only to the extent necessary for such purposes.
for such purposes. 19. Power of Government to divert water from water-main belonging to a local authority.-The Government shall have power to take water from any water-main belonging to, or in the control of, a local authority for Supplying water to any other area, subject to such payment being made to the local authority concerned and subject also to such other conditions as the Government may consider reasonable: Provided that before taking action under this section, the Government shall communicate to the local authority the grounds on which they propose to do so, fix areasonable period for the local authority to show cause against the proposal, and consider its explanations or objections, if any. 20. Power of Collector in regard to water-supply.- (1) The Collector of the district, or any other officer appointed by the Government in this behalf, may cause inquiries to be made in any local area or part thereof, with a view to ascertaining(a) whether the source of water-supply for such local area or part is contaminated from any cause against which effective means of protection can be taken, and (b) whether the provision of any additional source or sources of Water-supply is necessary for such local area or part. (2) The Collector or other officer aforesaid may, after taking into consideration the result of such inquiries, by notice, direct that any source of water-supply be cleaned, improved, repaired or otherwise protected from Contamination, or that such additional source or sources of water-supply be provided, as the case may be: Provided that before issuing a notice under this sub-section, the Collector or other officer shall give the authorities or persons affected, areasonable opportunity to make any representations they may wish to make and consider the same. (3) Against any direction issued by the Collector or other officer under sub-section (2), an appeal shall lie to the Government whose decision shall be final. (4) (a) Every notice issued under sub-section (2) shall specify the nature and extent of the works to be executed, the estimated cost thereof, and the authority or authorities or the person or persons by whom and the period within which, they are to be executed.
(b) The notice shall either(i) be published in the prescribed manner; or (ii) be served on the local authority or on the person owning or having control over the source of water supply, as the case may be, in the prescribed manner. (5) If the directions contained in any notice issued under sub-section (2) have not been satisfactorily Complied with, the officer issuing the notice may himself cause the Works specified
===== '''19. Power of Government to divert water from water-main belonging to a local authority'''. =====
in the notice to be executed, provided that he may, on sufficient cause being shown, extend the period specified in the notice, or modify or rescind any direction contained therein. (6)(a) If a water-tax is imposed in the local area, the cost of carrying out the works specified in the notice issued under sub-section (2), whether such works are executed by the authority or person specified therein or under sub-section (5) by the Officer issuing the notice, shall be borne by the local authority concerned. (b) If no water-tax is imposed in the local area, such cost shall be borne by the inhabitants of the local area who, on enquiry, are found to be benefited by the works or shall be shared between such inhabitants and the local authority concerned in such proportions as may be determined by the Government. Explanation:- For the purposes of this sub-section, 'water-tax' means
(a) a tax levied under Section 25 of this Act, or
The Government shall have power to take water from any water-main belonging to, or in the control of, a local authority for supplying water to any other area, subject to such payment being made to the local authority concerned and subject also to such other conditions as the Government may consider reasonable:
Provided that before taking action under this section, the Government shall communicate to the local authority the grounds on which they propose to do so, fix a reasonable period for the local authority to show cause against the proposal, and consider its explanations or objections, if any.
===== '''20. Power of Collector in regard to water-supply.'''– =====
(1) The Collector of the district, or any other officer appointed by the Government in this behalf, may cause inquiries to be made in any local area or part thereof, with a view to ascertaining
             (a) whether the source of water-supply for such local area or part is contaminated from any cause against which effective means of protection can be taken, and
             (b) whether the provision of any additional source or sources of water-supply is necessary for such local area or part.
(2) The Collector or other officer aforesaid may, after taking into consideration the result of such inquiries, by notice, direct that any source of water-supply be cleaned, improved, repaired or otherwise protected from contamination, or that such additional source or sources of water-supply be provided, as the case may be:
Provided that before issuing a notice under this sub-section, the Collector or other officer shall give the authorities or persons affected, a reasonable opportunity to make any representations they may wish to make and consider the same.
(3) Against any direction issued by the Collector or other officer under sub-section (2), an appeal shall lie to the Government whose decision shall be final.
(4) (a) Every notice issued under sub-section (2) shall specify the nature and extent of the works to be executed, the estimated cost thereof, and the authority or authorities or the person or persons by whom and the period within which, they are to be executed.
         (b) The notice shall either
            (i) be published in the prescribed manner; or
            (ii) be served on the local authority or on the person owning or having control over the source of water supply, as the case may be, in the prescribed manner.
(5) If the directions contained in any notice issued under sub-section (2) have not been satisfactorily complied with, the officer issuing the notice may himself cause the works specified in the notice to be executed, provided that he may, on sufficient cause being shown, extend the period specified in the notice, or modify or rescind any direction contained therein.
(6)(a) If a water-tax is imposed in the local area, the cost of carrying out the works specified in the notice issued under sub-section (2), whether such works are executed by the authority or person specified therein or under sub-section (5) by the Officer issuing the notice, shall be borne by the local authority concerned.
         (b) If no water-tax is imposed in the local area, such cost shall be borne by the inhabitants of the local area who, on enquiry, are found to be benefited by the works or shall be shared between such inhabitants and the local authority concerned in such proportions as may be determined by the Government.
'''Explanation''':- For the purposes of this sub-section, water-tax' means—
         (a) a tax levied under Section 25 of this Act, or

Latest revision as of 03:35, 30 May 2019

area for domestic purposes, to be a source of public water-supply for such purposes and every such source shall thereafter be under the control of local authority, only to the extent necessary for such purposes.

19. Power of Government to divert water from water-main belonging to a local authority.

The Government shall have power to take water from any water-main belonging to, or in the control of, a local authority for supplying water to any other area, subject to such payment being made to the local authority concerned and subject also to such other conditions as the Government may consider reasonable: Provided that before taking action under this section, the Government shall communicate to the local authority the grounds on which they propose to do so, fix a reasonable period for the local authority to show cause against the proposal, and consider its explanations or objections, if any.

20. Power of Collector in regard to water-supply.

(1) The Collector of the district, or any other officer appointed by the Government in this behalf, may cause inquiries to be made in any local area or part thereof, with a view to ascertaining

            (a) whether the source of water-supply for such local area or part is contaminated from any cause against which effective means of protection can be taken, and

            (b) whether the provision of any additional source or sources of water-supply is necessary for such local area or part.

(2) The Collector or other officer aforesaid may, after taking into consideration the result of such inquiries, by notice, direct that any source of water-supply be cleaned, improved, repaired or otherwise protected from contamination, or that such additional source or sources of water-supply be provided, as the case may be:

Provided that before issuing a notice under this sub-section, the Collector or other officer shall give the authorities or persons affected, a reasonable opportunity to make any representations they may wish to make and consider the same.

(3) Against any direction issued by the Collector or other officer under sub-section (2), an appeal shall lie to the Government whose decision shall be final.

(4) (a) Every notice issued under sub-section (2) shall specify the nature and extent of the works to be executed, the estimated cost thereof, and the authority or authorities or the person or persons by whom and the period within which, they are to be executed.

        (b) The notice shall either

           (i) be published in the prescribed manner; or

           (ii) be served on the local authority or on the person owning or having control over the source of water supply, as the case may be, in the prescribed manner.

(5) If the directions contained in any notice issued under sub-section (2) have not been satisfactorily complied with, the officer issuing the notice may himself cause the works specified in the notice to be executed, provided that he may, on sufficient cause being shown, extend the period specified in the notice, or modify or rescind any direction contained therein.

(6)(a) If a water-tax is imposed in the local area, the cost of carrying out the works specified in the notice issued under sub-section (2), whether such works are executed by the authority or person specified therein or under sub-section (5) by the Officer issuing the notice, shall be borne by the local authority concerned.

        (b) If no water-tax is imposed in the local area, such cost shall be borne by the inhabitants of the local area who, on enquiry, are found to be benefited by the works or shall be shared between such inhabitants and the local authority concerned in such proportions as may be determined by the Government.

Explanation:- For the purposes of this sub-section, water-tax' means—

        (a) a tax levied under Section 25 of this Act, or

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Manoj

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