
From Panchayatwiki

(vi) The coastal States and Union Territory will prepare within a period of twenty four months from the date of issue this notification, draft CZMPs in 1:25,000 scale map identifying and classifying the CRZ areas within the respective territories in accordance with the guidelines given in Annexure I of the notification, which involve public Consultation;

(vii) The draft CZMPs shall be submitted by the State Government or Union territory to the concerned CZMA for appraisal, including appropriate consultations, and recommendations in accordance with the procedure(s) laid down in the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986;

(viii) The State Government or Union territory CZMA shall submit the draft CZMPs to MoEF alongwith its recommendations on the CZMP within a period of six months after incorporating the suggestions and objections received from the stakeholders;

(ix) MoEF shall thereafter consider and approve the CZMPs within a period of four months from the date of receipt of the CZMPs complete in all respects;

(x) All developmental activities listed in this notification shall be regulated by the State Government, Union Territory Administration, the local authority or the concerned CZMA within the framework of such approved CZMPs as the case may be in accordance with provisions of this notification;

(xi) The CZMPs shall not normally be revised before a period of five years after which, the concerned State Government or the Union territory may consider undertaking revision of the maps following the above procedures;

(xii) The CZMPs already approved under CRZnotification, 1991 shall be valid for a period of twenty four months unless the aforesaid period is extended by MoEF by a specific notification subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified therein.

6. Enforcement of the CRZ, notification, 2011.

(a) For the purpose of implementation and enforcement of the provisions this notification and compliance with conditions stipulated thereunder, the powers either original or delegated are available under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986 with the MoEF. State Government or the Union territory Administration NCZMA and SCZMAS;

(b) The composition, tenure and mandate of NCZMA and State Government or the Union territory CZMAS have already been notified by MoEF interms of Orders of Hon'ble Supreme Court in Writ Petition 664 of 1993;

(c) the State Government or the Union territory CZMAs shall primarily be responsible for enforcing and monitoring of this notification and to assist in this task, the State Government and the Union territory shall constitute district level Committees under the Chairmanship of the District Magistrate concerned containing atleast three representatives of local traditional coastal communities including from fisherfolk;

(d) The dwelling units of the traditional coastal communities including fisherfolk, tribals as were permissible under the provisions of the CRZnotification, 1991, but which have not obtained formal approval from concerned authorities under the aforesaid notification shall be considered by the respective Union territory CZMAS and the dwelling units shall be regularized subject to the following condition, namely

(i) these are not used for any commercial activity
(ii) these are not sold or transferred to non-traditional coastal community.

7. Classification of the CRZ- For the purpose of conserving and protecting the coastal areas and marine waters, the CRZ area shall be classified as follows, namely:-

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ