- (ii) The Concerned CZMA shall examine the above documents inaccordance with the approved CZMP and in compliance with CRZ notification and make recommendations within a period of sixty days from date of receipt of complete application,-
(a) MoEFor State Environmental Impact Assessment Authority (hereinafter referred to as the SEIAA) as the case may be for the project attracting EIA notification, 2006;
(b) MoEF for the projects not covered in the EIA notification, 2006 but attracting para 4(ii) of the CRZnotification;
(iii) MoEF or SEIAA shall consider such projects for clearance based on the recommendations of the concerned CZMA within a period of sixty days.
(iv) The clearance accorded to the projects under the CRZnotification shall be valid for the period of five years from the date of issue of the clearance for commencement of construction and operation.
(v) For Post clearance monitoring- (a) it shall be mandatory for the project proponent to submit half-yearly compliance reports in respect of the stipulated terms and conditions of the environmental clearance in hard and soft Copies to the regulatory authority(s) concerned, on 1st June and 31st December of each calendar year and all such compliance reports submitted by the project proponent shall be published in public domain and its copies shall be given to any person on application to the concerned CZMA.
(b) the compliance report shall also be displayed on the website of the concerned regulatory authority.
(vi) To maintain transparency in the working of the CZMAs it shall be the responsibility of the CZMA to create a dedicated website and post the agenda, minutes, decisions taken, clearance letters, violations, action taken on the violations and court matters including the Orders of the Hon'ble Court as also the approved CZMPs of the respective State Government or Union territory.
5. Preparation of Coastal Zone Management Plans.-'
(i) The MoEF may obtain the CZMPs prepared through the respective State Governmentor Union territory;
(ii) The CZMPs may be prepared by the coastal State Government or Union territory by engaging reputed and experienced Scientific institution(s) or the agencies including the National Centre for Sustainable Coastal Management (hereinafter referred to as the NCSCM) of MoEF and in consultation with the concerned stakeholders;
(iii) The hazard line shall be mapped by MoEF through Sol all along the coastline of the country and the hazard line shall be demarcated taking into account, tide, Waves, Sea level rise and shoreline changes;
(iv) For the purpose of depicting the flooding due to tides, Waves and Sea level rise in the next fifty and hundred years, the contour mapping of the coastline shall be carried out at 0.5m interval normally upto 7km from HTL on the landward side, and the shoreline changes shall be demarcated based on historical data by comparing the previous satellite imageries with the recent satellite imageries;
(v) Mapping of the hazardline shall be carried out in 1:25,000 scale for macro level planning and 1:10,000 scale or cadastral scale for micro level mapping and the hazardline shall be taken into consideration while preparing the land use plan of the coastal areas;
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ഈ താൾ 2018 -ലെ പഞ്ചായത്ത് റെപ്പോ നിർമ്മാണം യജ്ഞത്തിന്റെ ഭാഗമായി സൃഷ്ടിച്ചതാണ്. |