Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0717

From Panchayatwiki


part herein contained is not performed or observed if the lessee or any other person in whom for the time being the terms hereby created shall be vested shall become insolvent then and in any of the said cases it shall be lawful for the lessor or his authorized officers at any time thereafter to reenter upon the demised premises or any part thereof in the name of the whole and thereupon this indenture shall absolutely determine but without prejudice to the right of action of the lessor in respect of the breach of any of the lessee's covenants herein contained.

(2) If at any time it appears to the lessor (whose decision shall be final) that it is necessary in the public interest to determine the lease it shall be lawful for the said lessor forthwith to cancel this lease by notice in writing addressed to the lessee at his last known place of residence and thereupon this lease shall absolutely determine and the lessee shall not be entitled to any compensation whatsoever in respect of such determination except a proportionate abatement of any rent that have been paid by the lessee in advance.

IN WITNESS whereof..... ............for and on behalf of the Panchayat and Sri/Smt....... ...........the lessee have set their hands and the seal of the Panchayat is hereto affixed the day and year first above written.

                     FIRST SCHEDULE 

All that piece or parcel of land and premises situated in the village of.......... in the registration sub-district of................. the registration district of ...........and bounded on the north by...............................on the south ...................on the west by.. ............... and on the east by......... bearing survey No......................................and Door No. ........and containing on the whole by admeasurement........................(be the same more or less).

                     THE SECOND SCHEDULE 

Conditions imposed by the District Collector under rule... ......... by....... (1)...... (2) ........... (3) .... Signed, sealed and delivered by the Secretary of the Panchayat in the presence of the following witnesses: (1). (2) ..... ..(the lessee) in the presence Signed, by Sri.. of witness (1). (2)....

                     Explanatory Note 

(This does not form part of the notification, but is intended to indicate its general purport). Section 178 of the Kerala Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (13 of 1994) provide for the acquisition of immovable properties for public purpose by a Panchayat Clause xxxvii of sub-section (2) of section 254 empowers the Government to make rules for this purpose. Government purpose to make rules accordingly. This notification is intended to achieve the above object.