
From Panchayatwiki


scheduled tribes. In addition more working groups can be constituted depending on availability of experts. The working groups are usually chaired by award member, with the vice chairman being a sector expert and the convener being the senior most transferred official in that sector.

4.2.2 in similar Pattern, a Procurement Team is established at every LSG that is led by the Secretary or IO and supported by Assistants/Clerks from various sections. The Secretary/IO will be the designated Procurement Officer of a LSG. The Procurement Team will be guided and supervised by LSG Procurement Committee. The factual accuracy of the materials placed before the committee and the observance of the rules in undertaking various steps before bringing the proposals before the Committee will be the sole responsibility of the Secretary/Purchasing Officer of the Local Government. The Committee will scrutinize the proposals and make appropriate decision/recommendations. The Purchase Committee (Local Government) is empowered to sanction purchase without any limit with the approval of the Council. Any variation in the original sanction will require further reference to the Purchase Committee (Local Government). The sanction for purchase should show the actual specifications quoted in tender. The Purchase Committee (Local Government) may meet whenever necessary and at such time as may be decided by the chairperson preferably in the Local Government itself. For making effect the purchase of such items, the Committee should meet as far as possible before the commencement of that year. The steps necessary for this should be taken by the Secretary of the local government sufficiently early. The Constitution of the Purchase Committee (Local Government) is as follows, if not other-wise specified any where:

1. President/ Chairperson/Mayor - Chairperson

2. Vice-president/Dy. Chairperson/Dy. Mayor - Vice Chairperson

3. Secretary of the Local Government - Convener

4. All standing Committee Chairpersons - Members

5. Implementing Officers/ex-officio Secretaries concerned Member

6. Two nominees from Social Audit Committee (for general purpose only)

4.2.3 Finance Team consists of the finance section functionaries in the LSG including officers and assistants

4.2.4 Social Audit Committee The Social Audit Committee at the Grama Panchayat shall be set up to augment the process of Constructive engagement between the citizens and Government of Kerala such that there is improved performance in the use of public resources to deliver goods and services. The Social Audit Committee will examine the extent to which the LSG body lives upto the shared values and objectives it has committed itself to (refer to page 1) through systematic and regular monitoring. In essence the SAC will beresponsible for:

- Creating awareness amongst beneficiaries and providers of local social, productive and infrastructure services.

- Procurement monitoring i.e. bringing in greater transparency in the procurement cycle through active involvementat critical stages need identification, monitoring of contract award, and Contract management including environmental impacts, if any.

Improving efficiency, productivity and quality in the delivery of goods and services through oversight.

4.2.5 Membership Details: Given the population size in Panchayats, the SAC can beformed at Ward or Panchayat Levels. The committee will comprise of 10 members, 50% whom must be women. Chairperson and 5 members will form the quorum for a SAC meeting.

4.2.6 Typically the SACshould comprise of local respectable, resource persons like members of support organizations/NGOs, retired schoolteachers, retired government officers, Coordinator of the local National Social Service Chapter, Women members of Kudumbashree, Elders in Tribal Areas, who have a spirit of volunteerism and some relevant expertise. All members will be nominated by the LSG. However, the chairperson of the SAC shall be a consensus choice. SAC members in a Committee addressing a particular - - activity shall not have any direct relationship with that activity undertaken by the LSG.

4.2.7. Responsibilities: Members of the SAC will be involved with participatory planning, budget monitoring, expenditure tracking, and specifically procurement monitoring.

The members will be chosen before the annual planning process undertaken by the LSG bodies.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ