Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0807

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distance from central line of road, restriction on height with respect to width of street and front set back shall not apply to the constructions under this chapter.

81. Parking.- Parking requirement shall be reduced in proportion to the percentage of land surrendered to the extent that after such deduction a minimum of seventy five percent of the parking required as per these rules shall provided.

82. Constitution of Special Committees.- (1) The Government may, on receipt of a request to that effect from any 87[Panchayat or suo motu) if found necessary, by order constitute a Special Committee, for the purposes of any or all Panchayats, to consider and decide on the application for building permits that may be submitted under the provisions of this Chapter.

(2) The Special Committee shall consist of the following members, namely:

   (i) President of the Panchayat, who shall be the Chairperson of the Committee;
   (ii) Chairperson of the Development Authority, if any, constituted for the area; De (iii) Senior Town Planner/Town Planner of the district office of the Town and Country Planning Department or an Officer not below the rank of a Deputy Town Planner authorised;
   (iv) Executive Engineer (Roads), Public Works Department having jurisdiction in the area or an Officer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer authorised;
   (v) Executive Engineer (Buildings), Public Works Department having jurisdiction in the area or an Officer not below the rank of an Assistant Executive Engineer authorised;
  (vi) Town Planner of the Development Authority, if any, constituted for the area or an Officer not below the rank of a Deputy Town Planner authorised;
  (vii) Secretary of the Panchayat concerned shall be the Convenor of the Committee;
   (viii) One or two representatives of the Department Authority, Institution, Association or organisation in charge of or responsible for carrying out or proposing or sponsoring the formation or widening of the road or improvement of the junction or other works envisaged under this Chapter, co-opted, if so desired by the committee.

(3) The quorum for the meeting shall be four including the Convenor and the Chairperson.

(4) The Convenor shall, considering the number of applications and urgency of the work to be executed, convene the meeting of the committee at such place and time, as may be fixed in consultation with the Chairperson, by giving at least seven clear days notice to all the members. Copies of plans pertaining to the application required under these rules, along with the agenda notes containing technical report on all the applications shall be forwarded to the members along with the notice.

(5) The Convenor shall place before the committee only such application included in the agenda notes circulated, which otherwise comply with all the provisions of these rules, Town Planning Schemes, if any, for that area and other relevant statutes, and shall issue permit as decided by the committee. The Convenor shall also maintain detailed registers for the minutes and for the land so surrendered.

(6) The Committee shall initiate and take actions to promote and monitor implementation of the road scheme in total. The Committee may also promote land pooling scheme wherever feasible to enable the implementation of the scheme in total.