
From Panchayatwiki

24. In case the number of children below the age of five years accompanying the women working at any site is five or more, provisions shall be made to depute one of such Women workers to look after such children. The person so deputed shall be paid wage rate. The most marginalized women in the locality, women in exploitative conditions or bonded labour or those vulnerable to being trafficked or liberated manual Scavengers should be employed for providing child care services.


25. If any personal injury is caused to any person employed under the Scheme by any accident arising out of and in the course of his employment, he shall be entitled to such medical treatment as required, free of cost.

26. Where hospitalisation of the injured worker is necessary, the State Government shall arrange for such hospitalisation including accommodation, treatment, medicines and payment of daily allowance which is not less than half of the wage rate.

27. If a person employed under the Scheme meets with death or becomes permanently disabled by accident arising out of and in the course of employment, he or his legal heirs, as the case may be, shall be paid by the implementing agency an ex gratia as per entitlements under the Aam AadmiBima Yojana or as may be notified by the Central Government.

28. If any personal injury is caused by accident to a child accompanying a person who is employed under the Scheme, such person shall be entitled to medical treatment free of cost; and in case of death or disablement of the child due to the said accident, ex gratia shall be paid to the legal guardians as determined by the State Government.

Wage payment:-

29. (1) In case the payment of wages is not made within fifteen days from the date of closure of the muster roll, the wage seekers shall be entitled to receive payment of compensation for the delay, at the rate of 0.05% of the unpaid wages per day of delay beyond the sixteenth day of closure of muster roll.

(a) Any delay in payment of compensation beyond a period of fifteen days from the date it becomes payable, shall be considered in the same manner as the delay in payment of wages.

(b) For the purpose of ensuring accountability in payment of wages and to calculate culpability of various functionaries or agencies, the States shall divide the processes leading to determination and payment of Wages into various stages such as-

i. measurement of work;

ii. Computerising the muster rolls;

iii. computerising the measurements;

iv. generation of wage lists; and

v. uploading Fund Transfer Orders (FTOs),

and specify stage-wise maximum time limits along with the functionary or agency which is responsible for discharging the specific function.

(c) The computer system shall have a provision to automatically calculate the compensation payable based on the date of closure of the muster roll and the date of deposit of wages in the accounts of the wage Seekers.

(d) The State Government shall pay the compensation upfront after due verification within the time limits as specified above and recover the compensation amount from the functionaries or agencies who is responsible for the delay in payment.

(e) It shall be the duty of that District Programme Coordinator or Programme Officer to ensure that the system is operationalised.

(f) The number of days of delay, the compensation payable and actually paid shall be reflected in the Monitoring and Information System and the Labour Budget.

(2) Effective implementation of sub-paragraph (1) shall be considered necessary for the purposes of the section 27 of the Act.

30. The payment of wages shall, unless so exempted by the Central Government, be made through the individual savings accounts of the workers in the relevant Banks or Post Offices.