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S.R.O. No. 986/88.- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 13 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958 (32 of 1958), and in supersession of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1975, published under G.O. (Ms) 109/75 dated the 6th September, 1975 as S.R.O. No. 846/75 in the Kerala Gazette No. 40 dated the 14th October, 1975, the Government of Kerala hereby make the following rules for the regulation of exhibition by means of cinematographs in the State of Kerala, namely:-
1. Short title and commencement.- (1) These rules may be called the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1988.
1(2) They shall come into force on such day as the Government may notify.
2. Definitions.- (1) In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,-
(a) 'Act means the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958.
(b) Auditorium' means the portion of the licensed place in which accommodation is provided for the public to view cinematograph exhibition;
(c) "Enclosure' means the portion of the licensed place in which the cinematograph apparatus is erected;
(d) "Executive Engineer' means in the case of Municipal Corporations and Municipalities where there are full-time Engineers of the rank of Executive Engineers in the Public Works Department such Engineers and in other cases the Executive Engineer of the Buildings Division of the Public Works Department having jurisdiction over the area;
(e) 'Government means the Government of Kerala;
(f) "Health Officer means in the case of Municipalities and Corporations having full-time Health Officers, such Health Officers and in other cases, the District Medical Officer of Health having jurisdiction over the area;
(g) "Permanent building' means a building which is constructed with R.C.C. Columns or Steel Columns, rubble or brick walls, R.C.C. balcony, iron tresses and roof of A.C. or G.I. or R.C.C. and includes buildings which are air-conditioned and buildings which are not air-conditioned;
(h) 'Permanent Cinema' means a cinematograph apparatus and plant installed in a permanent building for the purpose of cinematograph exhibition;
(i) Temporary building' means a building which is not a permanent building;
(j) Temporary Cinema' means cinematograph apparatus and plant installed in a temporary building for the purpose of cinematograph exhibition.
(2) Other expressions not defined in these rules shall have the same meaning as have been assigned to them in the Act.

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3. No person (other than a company or association) shall be entitled to obtain or hold any permit or licence under the Act unless such person has attained the age of 18 years.
4. Every application to the licensing authority for permission under Section 6 of the Act shall be in Writing in Form 'A' and shall be accompanied by:
(i) Structural design complete plans, elevations and sections, of the premises and of all erections or buildings thereon drawn correctly to the scale of 1 cm to 1 metre and electrical schematic physical layout of electrical equipments and earthing arrangements including A.C. equipment and details of layout of acoustic arrangement;
(ii) A site plan on a separate sheet showing the position of Such premises in relation to any adjacent premises and to the public thoroughfare upon which the site of such premises abuts, drawn to a scale of 1 cm. to 400 cm;
Explanation:- (a) The site plan should clearly indicate the surrounding roads and buildings which exist up to a distance of 100 metres of the proposed site, showing all Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Temples, Mosques, Churches or other places of Public Worship.
(b) The cardinal points shall be marked on such drawings. The materials employed in the construction of buildings shall be clearly indicated in the drawings.
(c) The width of all staircases and the number of steps in each, the width of Corridors, gangways, and doorways together with height of any gallaries or tiers in Such premises and in any of the erections or buildings in Connection there with as are more than one tier in height indicating on such drawings the floor, roof and ventilation and the details of any intended electric installation shall be indicated. The thickness of the walls and scantling of the various materials used shall be clearly shown on such drawings by figured dimensions;
(iii) records necessary to prove ownership or lawful possession of the site;
(iv) receipt for the payment of the fee at the rates prescribed under Sub-rule (1) of Rule 19;
(v) six additional copies of the application accompanied by Copies of plans and other papers mentioned in Clauses (1), (ii) and (iii).
5. (1) Within fifteen days of receipt of the application, the Licensing Authority after inspecting the site shall scrutinise the same and if it is in order he shall forward a copy each of the application, plan and other connected records to the Executive Engineer, the Chief Electrical Inspector, the Town Planner where Master Plans are in existence and the concerned Health Officer and in the case of multiple, multi-storeyed and air conditioned theatres, to the Divisional Officer, Fire Force, for their reports within thirty days from the date of receipt of reference from him.
(2) The Executive Engineer shall arrange for the scrutiny of plan and structural design and inspection of the site with special reference to rules relating to structural aspects and communicate his remarks to the Licensing Authority within thirty days from the date of receipt of the reference from the Licensing Authority.
(3) The Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee shall examine the designs pertaining to the Cinematograph plant and the electrical installation including air-conditioning plantandaSSOciated circuits if any and shall communicate his remarks to the Licensing Authority within 30 days from the date of receipt of the reference from the Licensing Authority.
(4) The Town Planner, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the Communication from the Licensing Authority shall furnish to the Licensing Authority a report whether there is any objection in granting the permission applied for.
(5) The Health Officer shall inspect the site with reference to public health point of view and forward to the Licensing Authority his report within thirty days from the date of receipt of communication from the Licensing Authority.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ (6) Divisional Officer, Fire Force shall examine the fire precautionary measures to be provided and shall communicate his remarks to the Licensing Authority within 30 days from the date of receipt of the reference from the Licensing Authority.
6. Within 30 days on receipt of the reports from the Executive Engineer, the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee, the Town Planner, the Health Officer and Divisional Officer, Fire Force (where called for) the Licensing Authority shall place the matter before the local authority, who may agree to the issue of permission in Form 'B' or refuse to agree to the issue of permission. The order of the Licensing Authority shall be in writing and shall contain reasons in brief for the decision. The permission shall be subject to such conditions as may be stipulated.
7. The Licensing Authority shall communicate the order, within a week from the date on which the Local Authority takes a decision, to the applicant and to the persons, if any, who have filed objections.
8. The Licensing Authority shall when the permission applied for is granted affix his signature and seal of office and also endorse his approval on the plan and other documents as approved by it and return a copy each to the applicant and also inform the Executive Engineer, the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee, the Town Planner, the Divisional Officer of Fire Force and the Health Officer about the permission having been granted.
9. The permission shall be valid for one year in respect of a permanent building and six months in respect of a temporary building. The said period can, on application, be renewed for successive periods, for sufficient reasons in appropriate cases, upto a maximum of ten years in respect of a permanent building and four years in respect of a temporary building by the Licensing Authority. Every application for renewal shall be in Form G and shall be accompanied by a receipt for the payment of the fee prescribed under Rule 19.
10. No addition or alteration shall be made to premises in respect of which permission has been granted or any part thereof, without the sanction of the Licensing Authority being obtained therefor and without plans and drawings relating to such addition or alteration being approved.
11. The holder of the permission shall give notice in writing to the Licensing Authority of his intention to add to or alter the permitted premises or any portion thereof and such notice shall describe clearly the intended additions or alterations and be accompanied by Complete plans, elevations and sections and (block) site plan and specifications of the Work proposed to be executed drawn up in the manner required in Rule 4. The Licensing Authority shall, before according sanction to the proposed addition or alteration, follow as far as may be the procedure laid down in Rules 5 to 7.

Approval of Building Construction and issue of Licences

12. (1) The applicant shall give notice in writing to the Executive Engineer and the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee by registered post one month before the Commencement of construction of the theatre and ancillary buildings to enable them to issue the certificates mentioned in sub-rule (3) of this rule.
(2) The Executive Engineer and the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee will conduct inspection of the construction to the extent necessary and will bring to the notice of the Licensing Authority in writing any unauthorised alterations or deviations which have been made or other defects noticed for appropriate action.
(3) On completion of the building and electrical installation according to the approved plan, the applicant shall obtain after an application being made
(a) a structural soundness certificate in Form 'C' from the Executive Enginecr;
(b) an electrical certificate in Form 'D' from the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee;
(c) a certificate from the Health Officer in respect of matters covering the provisions relating to health and cleanliness of the premises; and

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ (d) a certificate from the Divisional Officer, Fire Force in respect of fire protection measures in case of multiple, multi-storeyed and air-conditioned theatres.
(4) Every application for a certificate in Form 'C' shall be made to the Executive Engineer quoting the permission number and date of issue of the permission by the licensing authority. The Executive Engineer shall promptly acknowledge the receipt of the application, conduct inspection and if he is satisfied about the structural Soundness of the building shall issue the certificate in Form 'C' within One month after 'receipt of the application'. The validity of such certificate shall be for three years in the case of permanent building, and up to a maximum of one year and a minimum of six months in the case of temporary buildings.
Explanation:- For the purpose of issuing a certificate under this rule, the Executive Engineer shall have power to make an inspection of the building including the right to probe any portion of the structure and to call upon the applicant for furnishing the license with detailed particulars regarding the quality and proportion of the materials used in the construction of the building.
(5) Every application for a certificate in Form 'D' shall be made to the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee along with necessary documents and the treasury receipt for the inspection fee as required in Rules 31 and 32. In the application the applicant shall quote the permission number and date of issue of the permission by the Licensing Authority. The receipt of the application shall be promptly acknowledged. The Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee shall arrange for the inspection of enclosure, cinematograph apparatus, plant and electrical installations, air-Conditioning installations and on inspection if satisfied, give to the applicant a certificate in Form 'D'annexed to these rules within a period of one month from the date of application. A duplicate of the electrical certificate may be granted on payment of a fee of Rupees 25. The validity of the 'D' certificate shall be for the same period as for the 'C' certificate.
(6) Every application for a certificate from the Health Officer shall be made to the Health Officer having jurisdiction over the area. The receipt of the application shall be promptly acknowledged by the Health Officer. He shall arrange for the inspection and issuance of the certificate within one month from the date of receipt of the application.
(7) Where certificate in Form 'C' and 'D' are given for lesser period than provided in these rules the reasons therefor shall be communicated to the applicant.
13. After obtaining the certificates referred to in Rule 12, the applicant shall submit his application for licence under Section 3 of the Act in writing to the Licensing Authority. The application shall be accompanied by-
(i) the certificates issued by the Executive Engineer, the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee concerned and the Health Officer;
(ii) a certificate from the Films Division of the Government of India that all arrangements have been made for the supply of approved films;
(iii) documentary evidence pertaining to the ownership and possession of the site, building and equipment and if he is not the owner, documentary evidence to show that he is in lawful possession of the site, building and equipments to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority;
(iv) receipt for the payment of licence fees at the rate prescribed under sub-rule (2) of Rule 19; and
(v) the certificate from the Divisional Officer (Fire Force) in the case of multiple, multistoreyed and air-conditioned theatres.
14. On receipt of the application for licence, as required in Rule 13, the Licensing Authority shall, within 2 Weeks from the date of its receipt, issue a licence in duplicate in Form 'E' annexed to these rules or refuse to issue a licence for reasons to be recorded in writing and communicate the same to the applicant. A copy of the approved plans and drawing shall be attached to the licence. The electrical certificate shall also be delivered to the licensee.
15. No licence shall be issued by the Licensing Authority in the absence of the electrical certificate in Form 'D' and the structural soundness certificate in Form 'C' annexed to these rules.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 16. The period of validity of the licence shall not extend beyond the date of validity of either of the certificates.
17. Permanent and temporary cinemas may be licensed for any period not exceeding one year provided that:
(a) if the licensee of a temporary cinema closes the cinema at any time during the currency of the licence, he shall intimate the fact to the Licensing Authority with reasons therefor and if the closure is found not for valid and justified reasons the Licensing Authority shall under intimation to the licensee declare that the licence ceases to be valid from the date of such closure and that renewal of licence shall be done only if fresh structural soundness certificate in Form 'C' and electrical certificate in Form 'D' are produced; and
(b) no fresh permission or licences shall be granted for temporary cinemas in Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Townships in the State.
18. Every licence issued under these rules shall be exhibited in a conspicuous place in the licensed premises and shall be produced for inspection on demand by the Licensing and Inspecting Authorities or Officers authorised by such authorities.

==== FEES ====
19. (1) For every permission under Section 6 of the Act granted or renewed under these rules, a fee shall be collected at the following rates:-
Temporary Theatre 2Rs. 250 (Rupees two hundred and fifty only)
Permanent Theatre 3Rs.1000 (Rupees One Thousand only)
(2) For every licence under Section 3 of the Act when granted or renewed a fee shall be charged according to the scale laid down below:- For an annual licence for permanent cinema and for licence for temporary cinema for a period of 12 months “Rs. 1000 (One Thousand only) (3) Duplicate of licence or permission may be granted on payment of a fee of Rupees 25.
(4) In the case of refusal of the grant or renewal of the permission or licence, a refund at the rate of one half of the total amount of the fee collected may be made to the applicant. The application for such refund shall, however, be made by the applicant within one month from the date of the receipt of the orders of rejection of his application for grant or renewal of licence or permit as the case may be.
20. In cases where it may not be feasible for the concerned authorities to issue the certificates mentioned in Rule 15 for a full term of one year, the Licensing Authority shall grant/renew licence for the period of validity of such certificates, realising only the proportionate amount of the licence fee prescribed in Rule 19. The period less than one month in such cases shall be reckoned as one month.

21. The licensee of a temporary cinema shall give two months' advance intimation in Writing to the Licensing Authority, the Executive Engineer and the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee of his intention to do maintenance work with details of the items of work proposed to be done and the period during which the work will be done, provided that such advance intimation shall not be necessary where the repairs have to be made in circumstances beyond the control of the licensee. The Executive Engineer and the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee on receipt of the intimation shall arrange for the inspection and if satisfied that the maintenance has been done satisfactorily shall advise the licensee and Licensing Authority accordingly.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 22. Every application for the renewal of the licence either permanent or temporary shall be made one month before the expiry of the existing licence. Such application shall be accompanied by the documents referred to in clauses (ii) and (iii) of rule 13 and a receipt for the payment of fees at the prescribed rate. A copy of every such application shall be sent simultaneously to the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee and the Executive Engineer.
23. If on an application for the renewal of licence presented under Rule 22, the Licensing Authority does not for any reason, before the date of expiry of the licence either renew and return or refuse to renew the same, he shall grant temporary permit in Form 'F' annexed to these rules provided that the electrical certificate and structural stability certificate continue to remain valid:
Provided that such temporary permit shall be subject to the condition of licences sought to be renewed and shall be valid for a period of one month from the date of grant thereof and may be renewed by the Licensing Authority for one month at the time for a maximum period of two months, within which period the Executive Engineer and the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee shall submit reports to the Licensing Authority and the Licensing Authority shall take final decision on the basis of the above reports. No fee shall be levied for the grant of such temporary permit in Form "F". The temporary permit shall during the period of validity be deemed to be a licence for the purpose of these rules.

Additions and Alterations to Cinema Premises
24. No subsequent addition or alteration shall be made to premises in respect of which is licence has been granted or any part thereof, without the sanction of the Licensing Authority being obtained therefor and without the plans and drawings relating to such addition or alteration being approved by him.
25. The licensee shall give notice in Writing to the Licensing Authority of his intention to add to or alter the licensed premises or any portion thereof and such notice shall describe clearly the intended additions or alterations and be accompanied by complete plans, elevations and sections and block plan and Specifications of the Work proposed to be executed, drawn up in the manner required by Rule 4. The Licensing Authority shall before according sanction to the proposed addition or alteration, follow as far as may be, the procedure laid down in Rules 5 to 7. The Licensing Authority shall not accord sanction for the addition or alteration unless the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee and the Executive Engineer have approved the addition or alterations.
26. The licence and the plan and drawing attached thereto shall be produced on demand by any Police Officer not below the rank of Sub Inspector or by the Licensing Authority or by any persons authorised by him or by the Executive Engineer or any Officer deputed by him or the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee.
27. The licensee, his servants and agents shall comply with all orders issued by the Executive Engineer or the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee or the Licensing Authority or Police Officers acting on their behalf from time to time or as occasion arises for the safety or convenience of the public or for the preservation of order or of the public peace. The Licensing Authority may if special circumstances so require impose safeguards in addition to those laid down in these rules.
28. Restrictions in respect of distance between cinemas shall be as specified below:-
(1)There shall be no distance restriction between a permanent cinema and another permanent cinema whether they are situated in the jurisdiction of the same Licensing Authority or not.
(2) The distance between two temporary cinemas or one permanent cinema and a temporary cinema shall not be less than 800 metres provided that this distance restriction shall not apply to the case of -
(a) Construction of a permanent cinema near a temporary cinema whether falling within the jurisdiction of the same Licensing Authority or not in which case the distance restriction shall be 100 metres;
(b) Construction of a cinema, permanent or temporary within the jurisdiction of a local authority where there is no cinema:

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ Provided that-
(i) restrictions regarding distance shall not apply to cinemas existing on the date of coming into force of these rules;
(ii) temporary cinema can be licensed for a short period near a permanent cinema under construction, the period being restricted to the period of the permission for construction of the permanent cinema. Such temporary licence shall be issued for 6 months or till the date of completion of the permanent cinema whichever is less in the first instance and renewed subject to Rule 17 for periods not exceeding 3 months till the date of completion of the construction of the permanent cinema;
(iii) the distance between a permanent cinema and a temporary cinema or between two temporary cinemas, for the purpose of restricting and regulating the number of permanent cinemas and temporary cinemas in any place or in adjacent places shall be reckoned by the shortest distance between the nearest edges of the compounds where the theatres are constructed.

29. (1) Any appeal under sub-section (7) of Section 5 of the Act against the decision taken or order passed by a Licensing Authority under the Act shall be preferred within thirty days of the date of receipt of the communication conveying the decision or order appealed against. Where the Licensing Authority is the Executive Authority or Local Authority, such an appeal may be preferred to that local authority provided that the District Collector may revise any order passed in appeal on the application of any aggrieved party.
(2) In other cases, any person aggrieved by the decision taken or order passed under the provisions of these rules by the competent authority may prefer an appeal as prescribed below, within 30 days of receipt of the communication conveying the decision taken or order passed-
(a) on the decision of the Executive Engineer, an appeal may be preferred to the Chief Engineer, Buildings;
(b) On the decision of the Health Officer an appeal may be preferred to the Director of Health Services;
(c) On decisions of the Town Planner an appeal may be preferred to the Chief Town Planner.
30. A fee of Rupees one hundred) shall be paid in respect of each appeal and the memorandum of appeal shall be accompanied by receipt for the amount of the fee due on the appeal.

31. Every enclosure, cinematograph apparatus and plant and electrical installation and airconditioning plant shall be inspected
(i) when first erected and thereafter at least once in every year by the Licensing Authority or an officer authorised by the Licensing Authority.
(ii) when first erected and thereafter at every renewal of the certificate in Form 'D' annexed to these rules by the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee,
(iii) when first erected and thereafter at every renewal of the certificate in Form 'C' annexed to these rules by the Executive Engineer.
Provided that the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee shall have power to inspect the apparatus, plant and electrical installation and air conditioning equipment of any premises at any time within the currency of the 'D' certificate issued in respect of the particular premises and to direct the licensee to rectify any defect noticed during such inspection. The licensee shall be

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ bound to carry out such direction. The Chief Engineer, Buildings or his nominee not below the rank of an Executive Engineer shall have the power to inspect the building and structure of any premises at any time within the currency of the 'C' Certificate issued in respect of the particular premises and to direct the licensee to rectify any defect noticed during such inspection and the licensee is bound to carry out such direction;
(iv) for the inspection under clause (ii) of the enclosure, the cinematograph apparatus and plant and the electrical installation and air-conditioning plant when first erected, a fee of Rupees. 300 (Rupees Three Hundred only) in the case of permanent cinema and a fee of Rupees 150 (Rupees one hundred and fifty only) in the case of a temporary cinema shall be paid in advance by the applicant for the licence and for every inspection before renewal of the certificate a fee of Rupees 150 (Rupees one hundred and fifty only) in the case of a permanent cinema installation and a fee of Rupees 75 (Rupees seventy five only) in the case of temporary cinema installation shall be paid into a Government Treasury to the credit of the Government and the treasury receipt forwarded to the Chief Electrical Inspector concerned one month before the date of expiry of the period of validity of the certificate in Form "D'annexed to these rules.
(v) for inspection of the structural soundness of theatre building under clause (iii) a fee as provided in the Public Works Department Code shall be paid.
32. If the fees is not paid within the period aforesaid, a penalty equivalent to the fee for renewal shall also be paid into a Government Treasury, to the credit of the Government and the Treasury receipt relating to the payment of penalty shall be forwarded to the Regional Electrical Inspector Concerned along with the Treasury receipt relating to the payment of the fee for the inspection:
Provided that a penalty equivalent to double the fee for renewal shall be paid if payment of the fee for inspection is delayed by more than 15 days of the aforesaid period.
33. The Executive Engineer or the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee concerned inspecting an installation under Rules 12 and 31 shall, if he discovers any defect therein issue written orders to the owner or person in charge for their rectification and prescribe a reasonable time within which such orders should be carried out.
Note:- Copies of such orders shall be simultaneously communicated to the Licensing Authority by the Executive Engineer or the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee, as the case may be.
34. If during the interval between two such inspections, any further inspection shall be in the opinion of the Executive Engineer or the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee or Licensing Authority have become necessary, owing to neglect or failure of the owner or person in charge to carry out any written orders issued under Rule 33 within the time prescribed by the Executive Engineer or the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee or Owing to other reasons to be recorded in writing, a fee of Rupees Sixty shall be charged for such further inspection and such fee shall be paid by the licensee on demand.
35. The following persons shall have power to enter upon any place licensed or for which an application for grant of permission of licence has been made for the purpose of seeing that the provisions of the Act and the Rules are being carried out, namely:-
(1) The Licensing Authority, the appellate authority and the revisional authority or their nominees
(2) The Chief Engineer, Buildings, the Executive Engineer or his nominee.
(3) The Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee.
(4) Any Police Officer not below the rank of Sub Inspector of Police.
(5) Director of Health Services, Health Officers of Municipal Corporation/ Municipalities and

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ in the case of Township or Panchayat such Officer of the Health Services Department having jurisdiction over the area as may be specified by the Director of Health Services.
(6) Any Officer in the Fire Force Department not below the rank of Assistant Divisional Officer.
(7) The Director of Public Relations, the District information Officer or his nominee. PART IV
36. The Cinematograph apparatus shall be placed in an enclosure of substantial construction made of, or lined with fire resisting material and or dimensions sufficient to allow the operator to work freely.
37. The enclosure shall be outside the auditorium. There shall be a rewinding room adjoining the enclosure and such rewinding room shall have its independent exit.
38. The doors of the enclosure and rewinding room and all openings, bushes and joints shall be so constructed and maintained as to prevent, as far as possible, the escape of any smoke into the auditorium. Ventilators shall be provided for the enclosure and for the rewinding room but the ventilation ducts shall not communicate direct with the auditorium. The area of the ventilating ducts of the enclosure shall not be less than one per cent of its floor area.
Explanation:- By 'bush' is meant packing inserted in the holes through which the pipes and cables, pass in order to render such holes reasonably Smoke proof.
39. The openings in front of the enclosure shall not be larger than is necessary for effective projection and observation. No such opening shall exceed 0.3 metre square: Provided that in individual cases the Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee may, for Special reasons, permit a larger opening subject to such further safety precautions being taken as may be specified.
40. Each opening shall be provided with a plate glass Screenfixed in position within smokelight joints.
41. No unauthorised person shall be allowed to enter the enclosure.
42. Smoking shall not be permitted within the enclosure.
43. No inflammable articles shall except for special reasons be taken into or allowed to remain in the enclosure.
44. Cinematograph projectors shall be placed on firm support constructed of fire resistant materials.
45. All film when not in use, shall be kept in separate closed metal boxes. The metal boxes shall be of Substantial Construction. Each box shall have hinged cover secured by harp and staple. A rack shall be provided for storing the closed metal boxes without piling.
46. Cables for cinematograph lamps shall be taken as separate circuits from the supply side of the main fuses in the general lighting circuit.
47. An efficient double-pole switch shall be fitted within the projection room in the cinematograph lamp circuit.
48. Within the projection room the insulating material of all electric cables, including those leading to illuminating lamps, shall be covered with fire resisting material. Where the electric pressure exceeds 125 volts, all cables shall be enclosed in screwed metal conduits connected to the earth or in conduits of rigid P.V.C. of ISI Standard. Lead covered cables shall not be used unless enclosed in such conduits.
49. All resistances, with the exception of resistance for regulating purposes, shall be placed outside the enclosure and if reasonably practicable outside the auditorium. If placed inside the

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ auditorium, such resistance shall be protected by an earthed wire guard or other efficient means of preventing accidental contact.
50. (1) The enclosure shall be in charge of an operator holding a licence granted by the Chief Electrical Inspector to Government on the strength of competency certificate issued by the Board of Examiners constituted by Government. The operator shall be not less than 18 years and over 60 years of age and shall be present in the enclosure during the whole time the machine is operated.
Note:- The Chief Electrical Inspector may at his discretion grant renewal of licence for further period of one year at a time if the holder of the licence produces medical certificates from a medical officer of or above the rank of Assistant Surgeon to the effect that he is fit for functioning as Cinema Operator and further satisfies other condition for renewal of licence. However the number of such renewals shall not continue after the licensee attains 65 years of age.
(2) The Chief Electrical Inspector to Government who is the licensing authority in respect of the operators under sub-rule (1) shall have the power to nominate any officer under his control to renew the licence granted by him.
(3) The operator shall satisfy himself before commencement of each performance that all cables, leads, connections and resistances as also the fire extinguishing appliances in the enclosures are in proper working order.


51. No site which would admit of storm water draining into it owing to its level or location shall be used for the Construction of the building unless arrangements are made to prevent effectively the flooding of the site either by draining into a storm Water Course, if one is available or by raising the level of the site to as adequate height by the deposit of layers of sound and non-putreciable material.
52. No site wherein the Soil and sub-soil would be so saturated with Water that dampness of the floor and walls of the building would be inevitable, shall be used for the construction of the building unless a damp-proof course is provided in the basement of the building not higher than the level of the lowest floor and unless the flooring is made with a material approved by the licensing authority which would effectively prevent the dampness rising in the floor of the building.
53. Every person who constructs, reconstructs, alters or adds to a building shall wherever the site is within 15 metres of any tank, reservoir, water course, river, fresh water channel or well carry out such measures as may be necessary of as Licensing Authority may direct for the purpose of preventing any contamination of or any risk of the drainage of building passing into such tank, reservoir, water course, river, fresh water channel or well.
54. The location of the cinema site shall be governed by the provisions of the Development plan and by development Control rules if any and for areas having no development plans, the site shall have to be approved by the Competent authority after giving due regard to the environment and involvements of the site, giving the due cognizance to safety and hygiene.
55. The building site shall be no way offend against traffic laws.
56. It shall preferably be a wholly detached building, Surrounding space shall be unobstructed and shall be such as will enable the persons who are to be accommodated to disperse rapidly in the event of fire or panic and will permit the approach of fire engines and fire appliances.
57. In areas specified by the competent authority it would be permissible to construct a cinema auditorium above or below other building facilities observing due precautions as to safety, convenience and well being, of the people.
58. In the case of a building which is not wholly detached, the public ways or open spaces upon which it abuts shall be of such width as will enable the persons who are to be accommodated to disperse rapidly in the event of fire and permit the approach of fire engines and fire appliances.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 59. The building shall be provided with open spaces on all sides as provided in rule 34 of the Kerala Building Rules, 1984 and parking space for one car for every 33 seats of accommodation.]
60. Each auditorium of the building shall be provided with an adequate number of clearly indicated exits placed in Such position and SO maintained as to afford the audience ample means of safe and speedy exit.
61. In the auditorium there shall be one exit from every tier, floor or gallery for every 250 persons accommodated or part thereof, provided that from, every upper floor or gallery, there shall not be less than two exits and further that an exit on or by way of stage or platform shall not be reckoned as one of the exits required by this sub-clause.
62. Every exit from the auditorium shall provide a clear opening space of not less than 1.5 m in width. All exit doors through which the public has to pass shall be available for exit during the whole time the public are in the building and during such time the doors shall not be locked or bolted but kept closed provided an attendant is placed in charge of each such door whose duty it shall be to throw open the door in case of emergency.
63. All exits from the auditorium shall be clearly indicated by the word "EXIT in block letters 1.75 mm high and shall be so displayed as to be clearly visible in the light as well as in the dark.
64. No door which is required as exit shall be less than 1.5 m in clear width and not less than 2.1 m in clear height. The clear width shall be measured between the frame of a door.
65. All exit doors shall open outwards and shall flush with outside of the walls or shall be so fitted that when Open they do not obstruct any gangway, passage, Corridor, stairway or landing.
66. Every passage or Corridor leading from an exit to the auditorium to a final space of exit from the building shall be of such width as will in the opinion of the authority, enable the persons who are likely to use it in an emergency to leave the building without danger of creating congestion. At no point shall any such passage or corridor be less than 1.5 m wide and it shall not diminish in width in the direction of the final place of exit.
67. Where a door is not required for exit, it shall be marked with words 'NOEXIT in red letters. The size of letters shall be as indicated in Rule 63.
68. There shall be at least two staircases of adequate width to provide exit in gallery and upper floor of the building which is intended to be used for the purposes.
69. Passage giving access to staircases.- The width of passage giving access to a staircase shall be according to the following regulations:-
(a) Width of a passage serving a single staircase shall not be less than the width of that staircase.
(b) The width of a passage serving more than one staircase shall not be less than the width of the widest staircase it serves plus one half the sum of the width of the remaining staircase.
70. The treads shall be not less than 30 cm wide and risers not more than 15 cm high.
71. The treads and risers of steps on each flight shall be of uniform width and height.
72. Each flight shall have not more than 15 or less than three steps.
73. No staircases shall have more than two flight of 15 steps without a turn and the width of the landing between such flights shall be at least the same as the width of the staircase.
74. No staircase shall be less than 1.5 m in width which shall/cater/suffice the requirements for 100 persons and for every 15 persons the width shall be increased by 2.5 cm divided over the number of staircases provided.
75. The farthest point in a cinema building from where the staircase affords access, shall not be more than 20 m distant from such staircase.

വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സൃഷ്ടിക്കപ്പെട്ട ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 76. The floors of all landings shall not be less than 15 cm thick.
77. There shall be no recesses or projections on the walls of such staircase within at least 2 m above the steps or landing.
78. The minimum headway of a passage if used by public under the landings shall be not less than 2.1 m at any point between the top of the finished floor surface and the underside of the landing immediately above it. In case heavy floor coverings are to be used, necessary allowance for the same should be provided.
79. No stairways shall discharge into the passage or Corridor against or across the direction of exit.
80. All treads of steps and stairways shall be so maintained with nonslippery surfaces.
81. (1) Ramps when provided shall be so located as to be easily visible to the users.
(2) The slope of the ramps should be such as to facilitate climbing without undue strain, but not steeper than 1.6, at the same time it should not cause the user to exert unnecessarily for climbing down.
(3) The surface of the ramp should be made reasonably skid proof either by a suitable pattern cast in situ in floor finish or by the use of chequered tiles. (4) All ramps shall be provided with a parapet at least 800mm high or a suitable hand-rail of the same height to prevent inadvertent falling of the users.
82. Clear aisles not less than 1.2 mm width shall be formed at right angles to the line of seating in Such number and manner that no seat shall be more than 3.8 m away from an aisle, measured in the line of seating. Under the conditions where all these aisles do not directly meet the exit doors, cross aisles shall be provided parallel to the line of seating so as to provide direct access to the exit, provided that not more than one cross aisle for every 10 rows shall be required. The width of Cross aisles shall be 1 m. minimum.
83. Where possible, gradients or inclined planes shall be used instead of steps but no gradient or inclined plane shall be steeper than 1 in 10.
84. If steps have to be inserted in a gangway or passage there shall be not less than three steps at any one place. The treads shall not be less than 30 cm. and risers not more than 15 cm.
85. All gangways and treads of steps shall be maintained with nonslippery Surfaces and shall be kept well illuminated.
86. Druggets matting and floor covering if provided in gangways shall be securely fastened to the floor.
87. Exits and the gangways and passages leading to exit shall be kept clear of any obstruction other than rope barriers provided in accordance with rule 88. On no account shall extra seats be placed in the gangways or spectators be allowed to stand in the gangways at the time of performances in Such a way as to block or reduce their effective width.
88. Rope barriers in gangways or elsewhere shall be fitted with clips or fastenings which will part in the Centre on slight pressure and shall not trail on the floor.
89. No landing lobby, Corridor or passage not being an internal passage between and or across rows of seats, intended for use as an exit shall be less than 1.5m wide and there shall be no recesses or projections in the walls of Such passages or Corridors within 1.8 m of the ground,
90. The size of the auditorium shall be fixed in relation to the number of audience to be seated. No part of the auditorium shall provide accommodation exclusive of passages at a scale higher than 0.45 cm. per person.
91. The maximum slope of the balcony or gallery shall not exceed 350.
92. Where a balcony is provided its projection into the hall should not be more than three times the free height of the opening of the balcony recess.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 93. The width of seats should be between 45 and 56 cm.
94. The back to back distance of chairs shall beat at least 85 cm. If extra comfort is required, higher spacing may be provided which shall vary between 85 to 106 cm.
95. In all cases there shall be an intervening space of at least 35 cm between the back of one seat and the front of the seat immediately behind measured between perpendiculars.
96. All seats except in boxes shall be securely fixed to the floor and if battened together or made of links, the complete link shall be firmly attached to the floor.
97. The minimum height of the auditorium shall be 6 m. The volume per person required to be provided should be 3.5 to 4.5 m per person.
98. There shall be a minimum distance of 4 metres from the screen to the front edge of first row of seating. A strong barrier or other efficient partition shall be provided to enforce this provision.
99. The screen shall be fixed in such a way that its bottom shall not be at a height of more than 2.1 metres above the ground level of the front row of accommodation.
100. Where the first tier of balcony extends over the tier below, the soffit of the balcony shall not, in any part be less than 3 m. The height between floor of the highest part of the seating and the lowest part of the coiling over the same shall not in any part be less than 3.7 m. The height between the sofit of any intermediate tier and the floor below, shall in no case be less than 2.4 m.
101. Suitable shelters for Sun and rain and other atmospheric agencies affecting the health of the people shall be provided for the would be purchasers of tickets standing in queues. The shelter may be of permanent PUCCA construction or of a light type of construction with asbestos cement sheets over steel or precast reinforced concrete members. The shelter shall be so arranged that they should not affect light and ventilation and at the same time give protection against sun and rain for Would be purchasers of tickets standing in queues.
102. The guide ways should be so constructed that it provides an easy flow of the traffic from the entrance to the exit of the booking counter. 103. Provisions in this Part in so far as they are in variance with the Kerala Cinemas Regulation Rules, 1975 shall not apply to existing theatres.

Health & Sanitation
104. (1) The licensee shall provide adequate drinking water supply at such places as may be prescribed by the Licensing Authority.
(2) The licensee shall provide spittoons of such description in such numbers and in such places as may be prescribed by the Licensing Authority on the recommendation of the Health Officer and the Spittoons shall be well washed with such disinfectants, as may be prescribed. Notices for using such spittoons shall be displayed in prominent parts of the cinema premises.
(3) Licensees of permanent theatres shall provide water closets at the rate of one for every 250 persons and urinals at the rate of one for every 50 persons. Licensees of temporary theatres shall provide as many water closets and urinals as may be specified by the Licensing Authority.

Fire Precautions
105. No person shall smoke in the auditorium. Any person who contravenes the provisions of this rule shall be liable to be ejected summarily from such auditorium by any police officer in uniform present at the place.
106. The licensee, in the case of permanent A/C Theatres, shall switch on the air conditioning plants before commencing the cinematographic exhibition and should keep the A/C units running till the shows are over. The Chief Electrical Inspector or his nominee, shall have the powers to enter the premises of any permanent A/C Theatres to satisfy himself that the above provision is adhered to.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 107. The following fire extinguishing appliances shall be provided.
In the enclosures: A Bucket of Water, a blanket, a bucket of dry sand and a portable fire extinguisher of l.S.I. Standard.
In the auditorium: Four portable fire extinguishers of 1.S.l standard and a supply of not less than 20 litres of water per 10 square metre of floor area stored as follows:-
(i) Thirty-three per cent of the Supply or 250 litres whichever is greater, stored in buckets of 10 to 15 litres capacity each inside the auditorium and the balance stored in tanks or cisterns or buckets of any capacity So arranged as to be easily accessible, the arrangements in this regard having been approved by the Licensing Authority.
(ii) These appliances shall be SO disposed as to be readily available for use. The buckets shall have round bottoms and handles. They shall be painted red with the word 'Fire' painted on them in large block letters in English and in Regional Language.
(iii) The Soda acid type fire extinguishers shall be of the 10 litre size and Dry Powder type fire extinguishers shall be of the 5kg. size. Tetrachloride fire extinguishers shall not be permitted. Fire extinguishers shall be installed at an adequate height from the floor level not exceeding 1.5 metres. They shall be easily accessible and the passages leading to the extinguishers shall not be obstructed in any Way. A record regarding the maintenance of the extinguishers shall be kept. For multistoryed, multiple and air-conditioned theatres such additional fire fighting equipments and facilities as may be specified by the Director of Fire Force or his nominee, shall be provided.
(iv) Where a portable fire extinguisher of the chemical combination pressure type is older than three years or has not been tested previously it shall be tested once in two years by an officer of the Fire Force Department and a certificate of such test shall be submitted to the Licensing Authority. Similar tests shall be repeated once in two years.
(v) In addition to the firefighting equipment specified in sub-rule (i) the following equipment shall be provided and maintained:-
At least 8 buckets filled with water if there is no gallery or first floor in the premises; and at least 12 buckets filled with water if there is a gallery or first floor in the premises in which case at least 4 buckets filled with water shall be kept in the gallery or first floor. Such number of persons as may be necessary shall Specifically appointed to be in charge of the fire extinguishing appliances in the auditorium during every performance and they shall be trained in the use of all fire fighting equipments maintained in the premises.
(vi) The licensee shall-
(a) Once in every three months empty the container of such portable fire extinguisher provided in the licensed premises; clean its nozzles and working parts, stir the liquids in it and top it up, immediately record the date of having done so on a slip of paper and paste the same on the outside of such container; and
(b) Once in every year discharge each portable fire extinguisher provided in the licensed premises and recharge it and immediately record the date of such recharge in durable paint on the external surface of the container of the portable fire extinguisher.
(vii) In addition to the requirements of sub-rule () and sub-rule (v) there shall be provided such other facilities for fighting fire as may be required by the Licensing Authority.
Provided that notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rule () and (v) above, the quantity of Water to be preserved may be reduced to one half of the prescribed quantity provided that there is a steady and dependable Source of Water to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority.
108. The floor, roof, ceiling, private boxes, balconies, galleries, tiers, partitions, and every room, lobby, Corridor and passage intended for the use of the public shall be constructed of fire resisting materials.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ PART VIII
Electrical System
109. (1) The electric lighting of the premises shall have at least three separate distinct main circuits as follows:-
(a) for the projection room and thence through a dimming regulator to the Central lighting of the auditorium.
(b) for approximately one-half of the auditorium, passage ways, stairways, exits and parts of the building open to the public; and
(c) for the remaining half of the auditorium, passage ways, stair-ways, exits and parts of the building open to the public.
The control of the circuit in respect of the two halves of the auditorium referred to in Clauses (b) and (c) shall be remote from each other.
(2) A plan (in single line) of the wiring shall be kept in a prominent place in the office of the Manager.
(3) Sufficient number of emergency lights shall be provided in the auditorium as prescribed by the Licensing Authority.
(4) No open flames shall be allowed within the auditorium or in the projection room.
110. (1) The Licensee shall ensure that the installation conforms to the provisions of Indian Electricity Act, 1910 and Indian Electricity Rules, 1956 in the matter of entire electrical installation.
(2) Separate permanent circuit should be wired up with suitable switch fuse control; for the outdoor wiring, switched outlets of 3 pin type with metal clad, watertight socket outlet should be located at Convenient places at suitable heights from where Supply line may be taken out, by using weather proof wires for the display lights similar to yard lighting.
(3) The outdoor lighting fitting should be water tight type.
(4) The electrical installations both in the auditorium and the projection room in the same theatre shall be done only in conduit.
(5) All the electrical apparatus, main and sub distribution boards, metal clad switches and the earth leads of the circuits shall be effectively earthed. A minimum of two earth electrodes has to be provided for a Theatre, conforming to the provisions of 1.S.I. Standard in this respect.
111. (1) The wiring for the open yard lighting shall be done with Weather-proof wires of suitable size according to the load of the current in that circuit, threaded through porcelain reel insulators suspended from suitable bearer wires at a height not less than four metres from ground level. The reel insulators shall be spaced 50 centimetres from each other.
(2) When a tapping is taken from the open yard wiring it should be taken only a point of support through porcelain connectors housed in a junction box fixed to the supporting pole. In the case of service it should be taken through a lead in pipe.
(3) Supply to the lights in the open yard shall be tapped from the junction boxes as above and the light brackets shall be fixed on a separate round block fixed to the Supports. The wires from the junction box to the light brackets should be enclosed in earthed Conduit pipes similar to the method adopted for the street light fixtures.
112. (1) Emergency lighting system working with batteries should be provided in the projection room and auditorium and in case of any failure of the electric supply the emergency light should be switched on immediately.
(2) The wiring for lighting should be done in conduit system and all cables should be enclosed in screwed metal conduits connected to the earth. The conduits should be firmly fixed with proper saddles and clips.
(3) The cables used for wiring the light circuit inside the projection room, auditorium, etc. should not be of size less than 2.5 sq.m. (1/1.8) or its equivalent.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ (4) Cables with two insulations (sheathing and insulation) or one insulation and weatherproof braiding should be used for wiring in auditorium and projection room.
(5) When tappings are to be taken from any point of the wiring, junction boxes shall be provided and proper size of connector shall be used.
(6) When separate over-headlines are drawn for outdoor lighting the lines shall be drawn on strong wooden posts with at least Wooden Cross arms or spacers and weather proof wires of size not less than 2.5 shall be used.
(7) Except in Panchayat areas no loud speakers shall be fitted outside the auditorium.
(8) in all cinema theatres licensed as Air Conditioned Theatres, standby power supply of adequate capacity, as determined by the Chief Electrical Inspector to Government or his nominee in conformity with I.S.I. Standards, shall be installed to ensure adequate circulation of cooled fresh air. The temperature, the velocity of movement and the humidity of the air as well as the proportion of fresh air in the circulated air shall conform to the standards prescribed by the Chief Electrical Inspector to Government or his nominee.
(9) In all cinema theatres licensed as Air Conditioned Theatres, separate metering shall be provided to measure the energy consumed by the air conditioning system, consisting of the compressors, pumps, air handling units and the air circulating system, if any. This energy meter shall be read every hour during the show and the readings recorded by the operator in the register prescribed for the purpose by the Chief Electrical Inspector to Government or his nominee. The A.C. System shall be commissioned before the show begins and shall continue to function till the show ends including the interval if any.
(10) The Licensee shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of the electrical installation including the air Conditioning system as well as for the maintenance of the register prescribed for the purpose.

113. (1) The number of persons admitted into any part of auditorium shall not exceed the number prescribed in the licence for that part of the auditorium. The number prescribed for each part shall be clearly indicated in such part by means of a board or otherwise.
(2) The number prescribed under sub-rule (1) in respect of any part of the auditorium shall not exceed the following limits, namely:-
(i) in the case of a permanent building the number arrived at by calculating at the rate of 20 persons per 9.5 Square metres of floor area in respect of such portions as are provided with chairs having backs and arms, and at the rate of 25 persons per 9.5 square metres of floor area in respect of other portions, after excluding the area of the entrance, the passages and gangways, the stage, the staircases, and all places to which the public are not admitted.
(ii) In the case of a temporary building the number arrived at by calculating at the rate of 25 persons per 9.5 square metres of floor area, after making the exclusions referred to aforesaid.
114. (1) There shall be sufficient means of artificial ventilation with the help of not less than one ceiling fan for every fifty seats and one exhaust fan for every fifty square metres of the auditorium. Guards shall be provided for ceiling fans with less than 2.5 metres clearance.
(2) Where cinema theatres are licenced as Air Conditioned Theatres, standby power supply of adequate capacity to ensure the required minimum level of thermal comfort shall be provided. In all cases where the standby generator cannot take on the full load of the complete air conditioning unit, adequate provisions shall be made to operate circulating fans as required for non-Air Conditioned Theatres as specified in Rule 114 (1). The required minimum level of thermal comfort shall be deemed to be met if the standby generator is adequate to run at least one unit of the air conditioning system with capacity of not less than one half of the complete unit, along with the air handling units and the air circulation system.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ Note:- The requirements of exhaust fans shall not be insisted on in the case of temporary cinemas.

Special provisions in the case of certain cinematograph exhibitions
115. The rules in this part shall apply to-
(a) Cinematograph exhibitions given in Schools or halls for occasional public use;
(b) Cinematograph exhibitions given in the open air or in pandals, where the sides cannot be enclosed; and
(c) Cinematograph exhibitions given in any place with an enclosed bulb projector with films not greater in width than 16 millimetres.
116. (1) In the case of cinematograph exhibitions given in Schools or halls for occasional public use, the following provisions shall apply, namely:-
(a) Where it is not practicable to have a fire proof projection room, a clear space of 1.8 metres shall be railed off all round the cinematograph apparatus.
(b) No drappery or unprojected combustible material shall be within 1.8 metres of apparatus.
(c) The following fire extinguishing appliances shall be provided near the enclosure:-
(i) two portable fire-extinguishers in accordance with Rule 107,
(ii) One blanket; and
(iii) three buckets of water with one large sponge in one of the buckets.
(2) in the case of cinematograph exhibitions given in the open air or in pandals where the sides cannot be enclosed, there shall be on each side an aperture at least 2.15 metres high and 5.5 metres wide. The aperture may be closed by "latties' fixed on split bamboo frame and fastened by twine on the inside.
(3) In the case of cinematograph exhibitions given in any place with enclosed bulb projector with non-inflammable films not greater in width than 16 millimetres, the provisions of sub-rules (1) and (2) shall not apply but free licences may be issued subject to the following Conditions, in addition to the conditions of the licence in Form 'E' annexed to these rules:-
(i) The equipment shall be initially inspected by the Regional Electrical Inspector concerned who shall certify that the equipment conforms to this sub-rule. Afee of rupee five shall be paid into a Government Treasury to the credit of the Government and the Treasury receipt forwarded to the Regional Electrical Inspector concerned fifteen days before the certificate is required.
(ii) One portable fire-extinguisher conforming to rule 108 or one bucket of dry sand shall be placed near the apparatus and when in use.
(iii) A clear space of 1.2 metres shall be left round the apparatus and none except the cinema employee shall be allowed to be within a radius of 1.2 metres of the apparatus. The frame of the projector shall be efficiently earthed.
117. Save as provided in Rule 116, the rules contained in Parts II, IV to IX shall not apply to any cinematograph exhibitions to which this part applies; provided that the licensing authority may, in consultation with the Executive Engineer and the Regional Electrical Inspector concerned, apply to any such exhibition such of the rules contained in the said part and with such modifications as he may consider necessary.

118. If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules otherwise than in connection with the prosecution for an offence, the question shall be referred to the Government, whose decision shall be final.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ == FORM - A
(See Rule 4)
The Municipal/Corporation Commissioner/
The Executive Officer.................... Panchayat
I hereby apply for the grant of permission for the Construction/Reconstructions Location of a Permanent/Temporary/Cinema..................... in my favour, and give the details as follows:
Signature of the Applicant)
1. Full name of the applicant:
2. Father's/Husband's name and occupation:
3. Permanent address of the applicant: (i) Village:
(ii) Panchayat/Municipality/Corporation Ward:
(iii) Taluk :
(iv) District: 4. Present Occupation of the applicant:
5. Status, antecedents and previous experience of the applicant:
Note:- The applicant should furnish herein among other things, particulars of taxes or other dues to Government and whether, in respect of any assessment for tax, the matter is under consideration of the Government.
6. Is the application for
(i) Permanent cinema:
(ii) Temporary cinema:
7. Place where the cinema is proposed to be located
(i) Survey No:.
(ii) Village: Ward:
(iii) Taluk:
(iv) District:
8. Site plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1 cm. to 15 metres covering an area upto 100 metres from the boundaries of the proposed site, showing:
(i) the position of the proposed premises in relation to any adjacent premises and to the public thoroughfare upon which the site of such premises abuts; and
(ii) thatched sheds, if any, in the neighborhood;
(iii) The surrounding Roads and Buildings, the distance of all Educational Institutions, Hospitals, Temples, Mosques, Churches or other places of Public Worship.
9. If the land/site is not owned by the applicant:
(i) Name and address of the OWner:
(ii) is documents to prove the lawful occupation of the applicant enclosed.
10. Is the applicant in possession of other places licensed under the Act? lf any: (a) Whether in the same locality or elsewhere
(b) Whether at the time applying for licence or any previous time.
11. Is the following attached to the application?
Treasury receipt for payment offee for permission under Rule 19 (1)
12. Distance, by public road, of the proposed site, to the:
(i) nearest permanent cinema:
(ii) nearest temporary cinema:
(iii) nearest educational institution:
(iv) nearest temple or other religious institution:
13. Interest of the Public generally, likely to be served by the location of the Cinema.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 14. Suitability of the place where the cinema exhibitions are proposed to be given.
15. Adequacy of the existing place for the exhibition of cinema films in the locality.
16. Population of the place according to the latest census figures.
(Signature of the Applicant) Date:

In exercise of the powers conferred by rule 6 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1988. I, ..................................... Commissioner, Corporation/Municipality/Panchayat Executive Officer of ...................................... do hereby grant this permission to Shri/Smt. ..................Son/daughter/wife of............. aged................ Taluk/Town .............. District .............. for constructing/reconstructing/locating a permanent/temporary/.................. cinema use as per the approved plan in the land belonging to him/her/Shri/Smt................. bearing Sy. No. ................... Village/Ward.............. Taluk/ Town.............. District ............ measuring about............... Sq. metres and bounded as under:-
(Please give here the description of the site)

This permission is valid for a period of one year in the case of permanent building and three months in respect of temporary building from the date specified below for the completion of the construction of the building.
Given under my hand this the ............ day of............... 20..................

Certified that building of a......... is structurally sound for the conduct of cinematographs for the period from ................. Office of the Executive Engineer Executive Engineer
Date : ..............................

[See Rule 12(3)(b)]
Certificate No....................................... Date ........................
Under Rule 12 (3) (b) of Kerala Cinema (Regulation) Rules, 19.......... I certify that the enclosure, the cinematograph apparatus and plant and the electrical installation including the ventilation/air conditioning system of the Cinema known as- - - - - - - and more particularly described below of which Sri......... is the Managing Director/ Proprietor and Shri............ is the Managing Director/Proprietor and Shri........... is the Manager or person in-charge and Shri......... is/are licensed cinema operators in charge at.............. On ...... ....... are in order for both silent and talkies films.
2. I also certify that the rules regarding the fire fighting appliances and fire precautionary ۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ measures in the licensed premises have been complied with.
3. I also certify that the arrangements made for ventilation/air-conditioning systems are satisfactory.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 4. This certificate is valid for a period of from............ to......... but is liable to revocation within that period.

Details of equipments
Equipment***Maker's name***Number*** Capacity *** Remarks
1. Projector
2. Motor
3. Rectifier
4. Amplifier
5. Fire Extinguishers
6. Generator
7. Transformer
8. Slide Projector
9. Ceiling Fans
10. Exhaust Fans
11. Air conditioning system (details overleaf)
12. Operator's name....... Licence No............ dated .......... Validity period . Electrical Inspector.

(See Rule 14)
1. Name and address of Licensee
2. If the Licensee is not the owner of the place or building, the name and address of the owner thereof
3. Situation of the place of building
4. Area of the place or building in Square metre
5. Materials of which the roof, side walls, gallery and staircases are made
6. Whether the place or building is to be used during the day or during the night, or both
7. Date of last inspection by
(1) The Chief Electrical Inspector to Government or his nominee
(2) The Executive Engineer, P.W.D. (Buildings and Local Works), having jurisdiction over the area.
8. Period for which the licence is to be in
9. Fees paid
1. Special conditions if any on Which licence is granted.
(1) The licensee shall not exhibit advertisement slides relating to Sexual diseases and medicines to correct sexual disorders, or purporting to assist the childless in begetting children.
(2) The Licensee shall not permit obscene or objectionable posters or pictorial publicity material to be displayed in the licensed premises.
3. The maximum rates of payment for admission to the different classes in the licensed premises shall be as indicated below and these rates shall not be increased during the currency of this licence without an order, in writing, by the Licensing Authority permitting Such increases. The order of the Licensing Authority in this regard is liable to be cancelled or modified by the State.Government, if they consider such a course, just and necessary.
(4) Any person, who is aggrieved by the order, of the Licensing Authority on an application . . for permission to increase the said maximum rate may, within 30 days from the date of receipt of such order, appeal to the State Government who may after such inquiry as they Consider necessary pass such orders thereon as they think fit.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ 11. Maximum number of persons permitted in each part of the auditorium.
Class of accommodation-----------------Maximum rate of admission
In the first class------------------------------------ Persons
In the -------------------------------------------- Persons
In the -------------------------------------------- Persons
In the -------------------------------------------- Persons
Total --------------------------------------------- Persons

Conditions of Licence

The Licence is granted subject to the provisions of the Kerala Cinema (Regulation) Act, 1958 and the rules made thereunder. It is also subject to the following conditions. The terms and conditions of the licence as inserted may be modified or added to at any time during the currency of the licence.
1. This licence does not exempt the licensee or his servants or agents from taking out any other licence required by or otherwise complying with any other law or rule or bye-law made thereunder.
2. (a) The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited any film other than a film which has been certified as suitable for public exhibition by the authority constituted under Section 3 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952 (This condition shall not apply to newsreels produced by the Films Division, Bombay) which, when exhibited, displays the prescribed mark of that authority, and has not been altered or tampered with in anyway since such mark was affixed thereto.
(b) The licensee shall not exhibit or permit to be exhibited, in the place in respect of which this licence is given, to any person who is not an adult any film which has been certified by an authority Constituted under Section 3 of the Cinematograph Act, 1952, as suitable for public exhibition restricted to adults.
(c) The licensee shall not display or cause to be displayed, any photograph, picture or poster which depicts or represents or purports to represent a scene or shot Which has been excised from any film under the orders of the Central Government.
Explanation.- This condition shall not be construed as prohibiting the exhibition of a film, in respect of which an 'A' Certificate has been granted, to children in arms below the age of three.
3. The licensing authority and any subordinate duly authorised by him in that behalf and any police officer deputed to keep order during any entertainment in the licensed premises shall at all times have free access to the said premises in order to see whether the conditions of the licence are fulfilled.
4. (a) The licensee shall exhibit at each performance one or more approved films of such length and for such length of time, as the State Government or Central Government may, by general or special order, direct subject to the proviso to Section 7 of the Act.
(b) The licensee shall comply with such directions as the State Government may, by general or special order, give as to the manner in which approved films shall be exhibited in the Course of any performance.
Explanation.- "Approved film" means a cinematograph film approved for the purpose of this condition by the State Government or the Central Government.
5. The licensee shall also exhibit at each performance such slides as may be supplied by the licensing authority, in such manner and for such length of time so that authority may direct subject to the proviso to Section 8 of the Act.
6. No fire work shall be used as adjunct to a cinematograph exhibition.
7. No person shall be admitted within a line.............. metres in front of and parallel to the screen. A strong barrier or other efficient partition shall be provided for enforcing this condition.
8. The licensee shall not, without the permission of the licensing authority, assign, sub-let

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ or otherwise transfer the licence of licensed premises; nor shall the licensees, without permission as aforesaid, allow any other person during the period of Currency of this licence, to exhibit films in the licensed premises.
9. In the case of travelling cinematograph shows the address on the first day of each month and of every subsequent change of camp shall be notified to the Electrical Inspector to Government.
10. The licensed premises shall not be kept open after 2 a.m. (H.E. time) on any day without obtaining special permission, in Writing, from the licensing authority in respect of such day.
11. (i) There shall be prominently exhibited at each public entrance whenever the premises are open to the public a notice indicating in tabular form and in clear bold letters and figures:
(a) The title of each film to be shown on that day, other than trailers and advertisement films; (b) The approximate time of commencement of each such film;
(c) Whether each such film has received as "A" or “U” certificate from the Central Board of Film Censors, and
(d) Whether persons below the age of 18 years, other than children below the age of 3 years shall be admitted or not;
(e) Whenever 3-D Films are exhibited, the licensee shall supply to each viewer 3-D glasses properly sterilized with Aerosole-Disinfector before the show begins. The licensee shall also procure sufficient duantity of aerosole disinfector and keep a ledger showing the number of glasses sterilized and the quantity of the material used each time and produce it for inspection on demand.
(ii) The nature of any certificate received in respect of a film from the Central Board of Film Censors shall clearly be indicated by the letter 'U' or 'A' in any advertisement of the film displayed at the premises.
12. The licence shall be subject to revocation of suspension for the breach of any of these conditions or of the special conditions specified on the reverse.
Dated this the ...................... day of .................. 20.................... Licensing Authority

(See Rule 23)

Whereas............ (full name & address) has applied for the renewal of his licence and the said licence has been retained in my Office pending disposal of his application, he is hereby permitted temporarily to exhibit films in.................... (here enter description of premises) under the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958 for a period of one month from this date, subject to the provisions of Rule 23 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1958.
Dated this the .............. day of .................... 20.............................
Licensing Authority .

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ FORM G

The Municipal/Corporation Commissioner,
The Executive Officer ................ Panchayat.
| hereby apply for the grant of renewal of permission for the constructions reconstruction/of a permanent/temporary Cinema in my favour and give the details as follows.
Signature of the Applicant
1.Full name of the applicant:
2.Permanent address of the applicant:
3.Whether permanent or temporary theatre:
4.Details of the place where the cinema is under construction/reconstruction
(i) Survey No.:
(ii) Village:
(iii) Taluk:
(iv) District:
5. The reference No. and date and the name of the authority from whom the permission was originally obtained:
6. Whether the permission has been renewed earlier. If so give details of each renewal:
7. State the reasons for the non-completion of the work:
8. Whether fees as prescribed in Rule 19 has been paid and receipt attached. Give details of remittance:
Signature of the Applicant
Date :

Notification under Section 1 (3) about commencement of the Act
G.O. Ms. 1441 dated 29th November, 1958
(Published in Kerala Gazette dated 9th December, 1958, Part I, page 3605)
In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of Section 1 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958 (Act 32 of 1958), the Government of Kerala hereby appoint the 1st day of December, 1958 as the date on which the said Act shall come into force.

Notification under Section 4 appointing Tahsildars as licensing authorities in certain cases
G.O. Ms. 203/Home dated 14th February, 1959 (Published in the Kerala Gazette dated 14th February 1959 in Part I, page 433)
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 4 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958 the Government of Kerala hereby appoint the Tahsildhars within their respective jurisdiction to be the licensing authorities in respect of the areas other than those under the administration of local authorities.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ Directions under Section 7 to Licensees
(G.O. Ms. 534/Home dated 9th July, 1959
(Published in Kerala Gazette dated 21st July 1959, Part I, pages 1630/1631)
In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 7 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958 (Act 32 of 1958) and in supersession of the condition of licence now in force in this behalf the Government of Kerala hereby issue to every licensee under the said Act in the State of Kerala the following directions which shall have effect from the first day of August, 1959.
1. The licensee shall so regulate the exhibition of cinematograph films that, at every performance open to the public, approved films are exhibited, the approved films to be exhibited in relation to other films at every such performance being in the same proportion as one is to five or the nearest lower or higher approximation thereto.
2. Only such films produced in India as are approved by the Central Government after considering the recommendations of the Film Advisory Board, Bombay, to be scientific films, films intended for educational purposes, films relating with news and Current events or documentary films shall be deemed to be approved films for the purposes of these directions.
*[Provided that such Indian News Reviews produced in India as are approved by the Central Government after considering the recommendations of the Chief Producer, Films Divisions, Bombay, to be films dealing with news and current events, shall also be deemed to be approved films for the purposes of these directions.]
3. Nothing contained in these directions shall be construed as requiring the licensee-
(a) to exhibit at any performance more than 20,000 feet of approved films of 35 mm. size or the corresponding footage of approved films of 16 mm. size, or
(b) to exhibit any approved films for more than two weeks continuously; or (c) to re-exhibit any approved films which has been shown for two continuous weeks; or
(d) to exhibit approved films to the full extent indicated hereinbefore in the event of sufficient number of length of approved films not being available for the time being.
4. For the purpose of computing the corresponding footage of films of 18 mm. size in relation to films of 35 mm. size, 400 feet films of 16 mm. size shall be deemed to be equivalent to 1,000 feet of films of 35 mm. size. 5. The "approved" films shall be exhibited only after the time formally announced and published at the time for Commencement of the main picture. Further the "approved" films shall be exhibited only after advertisement shots, if any, and just before the commencement of the main picture.

Notification under Section 4 (ii), and Section 5 (7) (ii)
No. 27680/B4/62-2/Home dated 25th July, 1964
S.R.O. No. 239/64.- In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ii) of Section 4 and clause (ii) of sub-section (7) of Section 5 of the Kerala Cinema (Regulation) Act, 1958 (Act 32 of 1958) the Government of Kerala hereby declare for purposes of the Act that in places which are neither under any Municipality nor under any Panchayat, the licensing authority shall be the Tahsildar of the Taluk in which the cinema is situated and appellate authority shall be the Revenue Divisional Officer of the Revenue Division concerned.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ Notification under Section 5 (8) appointing District Collectors to be revisional authorities
(Published in Kerala Gazette No. 50 dated 12.12.1978)
S.R.O. 1158/78 - In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (8) of Section 5 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958 (32 of 1958), the Government of Kerala hereby appoint the District Collectors to be revisional authorities under the said sub-section within their respective jurisdiction.

Notification under Section 5 (7) (ii) specifying RDOs. to be Appellate Authorities
(Published in Kerala Gazette No. 50 dated 12.12.1978)
S.R.O. No. 1157/78.- In exercise of the powers conferred by clause (ii) of sub-section (7) of Section 5 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958 (32 of 1958) and in supersession of the notification II issued under G.O. Ms. No. 203/Home dated the 14th February, 1959 and also the notification issued under G.O. Ms. No. 148/75/Home dated the 8th December, 1975 and published as S.R.O. No. 1236/75 in Part I of the Kerala Gazette No. 51 dated the 20th December, 1975, the Government of Kerala hereby specify the Revenue Divisional Officers to be the Appellate Authorities under the said clause within their respective jurisdiction.

Notification under Rule 53 (1) extending the term of the Board of Examiners
Notification No. G.O. (Rt) No. 21.69/76/Home dated 14th September, 1976
(Published in Kerala Gazette No. 39 dated 5.10.1976)
S.R.O. No. 976/76.- Under sub-rule (1) of Rule 53 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Rules, 1975, the Government of Kerala hereby extend the term of the Board of Examiners for the purpose of holding cinema operators' examination and issue of competency certificate thereof, constituted as per Notification S.R.O. No. 718/74 dated the 3rd September, 1974 and published in the Kerala Gazette No. 40 dated the 1st October, 1974 and extended as per S.R.O. No. 1059/75 dated 31.10.1975 and published in the Kerala Gazette No. 44 dated 11th November, 1975 till 31.12.1977.

G.O. (P) No. 101/88/Home Dated, Trivandrum, 18th August, 1988.
S.R.O. No. 1010/98.- In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 13 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Act, 1958 (32 of 1958) read with sub-rule (2) of Rule 1 of the Kerala Cinemas (Regulation) Rules 1988, issued under notification G.O. (P) No. 94/88/Home dated the 9th August, 1998 and published as SRO. No. 986/88 in the Kerala Gazette, No. 708 dated the 10th August, 1988, the Government hereby appoint the 19th day of August, 1988 as the date on which the said Rules shall come into force.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ