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Under the provisions of Section 16 of the Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890, the Governor in Council is pleased to declare that in supersession of the notification, dated 29th January, 1917 published at pages 623-624 of Part I of the fort St. George Gazette, dated 15th May 1917, the following rules shall, on or after the 1st October, 1923 be in force on the marginally-noted lines of navigation in the Malabar District notified under section 4 of the Act.

(1) From Kawayi to Azhikal via the Elimala river, Sultan's canal and Matool river.
(2) From Badagara to the Beypore river via the Cotta, Agalapuzha and Korapuzha river the Conolly Canal and the Kallayi river.
(3) From Tirur to Ponnani via the Tirur and Ponnani rivers.
(4) From Ponnani to Ala via the Canolly canal and the connected backwaters.
(5) The Kalvetti canal in Cochin.
(6) From Edavana to Beypore via the Beypore river.
(7) From Irrukur to Azhikkal via Baliapatam river.
(8) From Kuttiadi to Badagara via the Kuttiadi and Mariat rivers.
(9) From Beypore river to the north end of the Pooraparamba cut via Cheriapuzha, Kadalundy river and Keeranalur stream
(10) From Keernallur stream of the north end of the Poorparamba cut, to Tirur river via Pooraparamba cut, Pooraparamba river and the improved Canolly canal.

In the case of vessels other than steamers and motor vessels using lines of navigation numbered 1,2,6 and 7 above, the following rules only shall be applicable: 12, 14, 16 (except last sentence) 17, 19.20 (clause (a) only), 29, 34 and 35.

1. For the purpose of these rules the Executive Engineer,

West Coast Division and the officers of the Public Works Department in charge of sub-divisions and sections, shall be 'canal officers'.

2. Vessels to be licensed.-

Every vessel using a canal in the Malabar area shall be either licensed or registered, by the Executive Engineer, Irrigation Division concerned or by any Officer duly authorised by him in this behalf, provided that

(i) the vessels belonging to the Government will be exempted from paying license fees.
(ii) Government may, for special reasons, exempt any vessel from payment of license fees subject to such conditions as may be specified.

Note:- Irrigation department will assign a number to each boat and vallam mechanised or non-mechanised and maintain a register showing the complete details. Every boat or vallam mechanised or non-mechanised will be provided with number plates. The size of the number plates will be of 15 cm. width with required length. The letters will be of size 10 cm. and having a width of 1.25 cms. The letters and numerals shall be in English and be painted in white on black

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ background for vessels intended for personal use (private) and in black on white background for public vessels. The numbers will be alloted on the basis of revenue district. The first letter will be "K" in all cases indicating Kerala. The second letter will represent the district as follows:-

Palghat - G
Malappuram - M
Kozhikode - D
Wayanad - W
Cannanore - C
Kasaragod – S

The third letter will indicate whether the Water Transport is mechanised or non-mechanised. Capital letters from A to M will be allotted for mechanised boats and N to Z for non-mechanised boats in each district.

KGA or KGB for mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Palghat District.
KGN or KGO for non-mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Palghat District
KMA or KMB for mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Malappuram District
KMN or KMO for non-mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Malappuram District
KDA or KDB for mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Kozhikode District
KDN or KDO for non-mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Kozhikode District
KWA or KWD for mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Wayanad District
KWN or KWO for non-mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Wayanad District
KCA or KCB for mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Cannanore District
KCN or KCO for non-mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Cannanore District
KSA or KSB for mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Kasaragod District
KSN or KSO for non-mechanised boats 1 to 9999 in Kasaragod District

The registration plates will be fixed on both sides above the load line in the rear side of the vessel.

Registration book will be maintained for recording the remittance of registration fees, transfer of ownership etc.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ

3. Vessels other than rafts-

On application by the owner of a vessel or his agent either in person or by letter for permission to navigate any particular line or Connected lines of navigation, and on payment of the fees prescribed in the notification published under Section 6 of the Act, the Executive Engineer West Coast Division, or any other Canal Officer or Canal clerk duly authorized by him, shall grant a licence or certificate of registration for such navigation in the form prescribed subject to the condition that claims for compensation in consequence of the closure of all or any of the canals for repair, or insufficiency of Water or any other impediment to navigation shall not be recognized. The licence or certificate of registration shall be annual and shall run from the date of issue to the last day of the Malayalam year following.

Vessels registered shall be subject to the same rules and regulations as those for which licences are taken out as far as they are applicable.

Vessels intended only for the personal use of the owners and not employed in carrying goods, animals or passengers for purposes of trade may be registered. All other vessels of a registered tonnage of one ton and over shall be licensed:

Provided that in respect of vessel whose licence or certificate of registration, as the case may be, expires on the 31st March, 1938, a licence or certificate of registration shall be granted for the period commencing on the 1st April, 1938 and ending with the last day of the Malayalam year succeeding on payment of one and three-eights of the fees prescribed for an annual licence or certificate.

Note:- (1) Extension of time for the renewal of licences and registration certificates granted by the Cochin or Travancore State in the case of vessels licensed or registered under Cochin Act No. 1 of 1092 or Travancore Regulation No. VI of 1096, as the case may be, shall be recognised and free passage shall be allow for such vessels in the portion of the canals in British Territory during such period.
Note:- (2) Vessels proceeding to licencing stations for obtaining a licence or registration certificate under Cochin Act No. 1 of 1092 or Travancore Regulation No. VI of 1096, shall for a period not exceeding fourteen days be allowed to ply without a licence or registration certificate provided they carry written permits from a Canal Officer. Such vessels shall not carry goods en route.
4. Inspection of steamers.-
(a) The application for an original licence of a steam vessel shall be made by the owner to the Executive Engineer at least two Calendar months before the licence is required. In making such application the owner shall give the name and address of the person to whom notice of inspection of the vessel should be given.

(b) The inspection of the hull and the machinery of a steam vessel shall be made by the Executive Engineer or any person deputed by him within fifteen days of the receipt of the application.

(c) As soon as possible after such inspection the executive Engineer shall, if the hull and machinery be in good condition, give notice to the Senior Inspector of Steam-boilers and Prime-movers, Madras, stating the name of vessel and its owner, the place where it should be inspected and the name and address of the person to whom the notice of inspection should be given.

(d) On receipt of such notice the Inspector shall arrange to fix a date for inspection which shall be within thirty days of its receipt and shall give the owner or the person named by him fourteen day's notice of his intention to inspect, stating what preparations should be made for his inspection.

(e) If, on such inspection, the Inspector is satisfied that the boiler is in good condition, ho shall issue to the Executive Engineer the usual boiler certificate to that effect, specifying the maximum pressure at which the boiler may be worked and the period for which such certificate shall be in force.

(f) The Executive Engineer shall, within a week of receipt of the Boiler Inspector's certificate grant a certificate of inspection and also a licence.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ (g) in the event of none of the Inspectors of Steam-boilers being able to inspect the vessel before the date of expiry of the certificate provided the six week's notice has been given, the Senior Inspector of Steam-boilers, Madras, shall intimate to the Executive Engineer that no Inspector is available and the "Executive Engineer will endorse the current certificate extending it until such time as arrangements can be made for the inspection of the boiler. The period of such extension shall not exceed two months.

(h) All licences shall expire at the end of the period for which the certificate of inspection is granted. If the owner wishes to ply his steam vessel beyond the period covered by such certificate, he shall give notice of his desire to do so to the Executive Engineer at least six weeks before the date of the expiry of such certificate.

5. Counterpart of licence and certificate of registration.-

Every canal officer empowered to grant licences and certificate of registration shall retain the counterpart of every licence or certificate of registration granted by him, and shall be responsible that it corresponds to the licence or certificate of which it is a counterpart. When an alteration is made in the licence or the certificate, a corresponding alteration shall be made in the counterpart thereof.

6. Transfer of licence or certificate of registration.-

(1) Every transfer of ownership of a vessel licensed or registered under these rules shall be reported by the owner to the Officer who granted the licence or certificate of registration as the case may be. Such Officer shall, on the application of the owner and the transferee and on receipt of the licence or certificate as the case may be, alter such licence or certificate by substituting the name of the transferee for that of the owner.

(2) A licence or certificate of registration granted for one vessel shall not be transferred to any other vessel.

(3) Every licence or certificate of registration shall be renewed at the station at which it was issued on delivery of the old license or certificate of registration, or on default of such delivery, on payment of a fee of one rupee in addition to the fee payable renewal:

Provided that where the permanent residence of the owner is at, or is changed to, a place outside the jurisdiction of the Officer who granted the licence or certificate of registration the renewal shall be made at the station of the officer within whose jurisdiction the owner resides, on the delivery to such officer of the old licence or certificate of registration and on the production of the vessel for identification and verification of tonnage.

(4) Application for the renewal of a licence or certificate of registration shall not be made by a transferee of the vessel before the procedure prescribed by sub-rule (1) has been complied with.

7. Registered tonnage of steam and motor vessel.-

The rent or registered tonnage of a steam or motor vessel upon which fees are leviable shall be ascertained as follows. The extreme length, the extreme breadth and depth shall be measured in feet and inches and their product shall be divided by 100. The quotient shall be multiplied by 1.02 for vessels of 1,000 cft. capacity or under and by 1.05 for vessels above 1,000 cft. capacity. The produce so obtained shall be the net or registered tonnage of such vessels. The breadth shall be measured as nearly as possible at the centre of the extreme length. The depth shall be measured in a vertical line at the Center of the extreme length from an athwart ship line extended from the upper edge of the upper strake, on both sides, of the vessel, all vessels being considered to be open ones. If the vessel has a fixed inner planking throughout the measurement for depth shall be to the top side of Such planking. If the vessel has no such fixed planking the measurement for depth shall be to the inner side of the outer bottom planking. If the registered tonnage exceeds one ton fractions above half shall he taken as one ton and other fractions rejected.

Note:- The term "inner planking" means planking fixed to the inner side of the ribs following the contour or the shape of the vessel.
8. Registered tonnage of vessels other than steam and motor vessels.-

The gross

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ tonnage of a vessel other than steam and motor vessels shall be ascertained by multiplying its length, breadth in feet and inches and dividing the product by 50. The length shall be measured at half the midship depth in a straight line from the inside of the outer planking at the side of the steam to the inner side of the outer planking at the outer side of the stern post and shall be hereinafter called the length of the tonnage. The breadth for tonnage shall be one-sixth of the sum of five widths taken at equal distances along and at right angles to the above length for tonnage and measured from the rib on one side to the planking on the other side. If the vessel has a fixed internal planking the said five widths shall be measured from the inner side of such planking on one side to the inner side thereof on the other. The depth of all vessels shall be measured in a vertical line at the centre of the length for tonnage to the top side of the fixed internal planking if there is one or to the inner side of the outer bottom planking tonnage upon which fees are leviable shall be the gross tonnage less 15 per cent. Any fraction of a ton above half shall be taken as one ton and other fractions shall be rejected.

9. What to be deemed the tonnage of a vessel.-

Whenever the tonnage of any vessel has been ascertained, the same shall thenceforth be deemed to be the tonnage thereof unless any alteration is made in the form or capacity of such vessel or unless it is discovered that the tonnage thereof has been erroneously compacted in either of which cases such vessels shall be remeasured and her tonnage determined according to the rules herein before contained in that behalf.

Note:- Every time the licence of a vessel is renewed it shall be the duty of the officer issuing such a licence to remeasure the vessel unless he himself was the officer who licensed it previously.
10. Provision in case of loss of licence or certificate of registration.-

If the original licence or certificate of registration be lost, a duplicate shall be issued by the officer who granted the licence on payment of the fee prescribed in the notification published under section 6 of the Act. If the loss occurred during the absence of the vessel from the station at which it was licensed or registered the loss shall be reported to the nearest canal officer who shall thereupon issue a pass in the prescribed form. Such pass should hold good until the arrival of the vessel at the station at which the licence or certificate was issued. Immediately upon such arrival, the owner or his agent shall deliver up the said pass and pay the prescribed fee for a duplicate licence or certificate.

The licence or the certificate of registration shall contain the particulars specified in the prescribed forms and such other conditions as the Executive Engineer may think fit to prescribe in any case.

11. Rafts.-

The owners or persons in charge of rafts using any of the canals numbered 3,4,5 and 10 in the preamble to this part shall pay the fee prescribed in the notification published under section 6 of the Act, and take out licences in the form prescribed. The licence shall be in force for six weeks from the date of issue.

Note:- Rafts holding temporary passes issued by the Canal Officer of the Cochin State at Karanchira shall, for a period of twenty days from the date of issue of such passes, be allowed to ply without licences.
12. Regulation of traffic at wharves.-

The regulation of traffic at wharves and landing places shall be according to the rules framed in that behalf and approved by Government. Such rules shall be fixed to a notice board in a conspicuous place at each end of the Wharf and any infringement thereof shall be punished by suspension, for a period not exceeding three months, of the licence of the vessels contravening the rule or rules.

12A. Stacking goods on canal lands.-

Goods shall not be stacked on any tow path or on the canal side of any tow path under any circumstances nor shall they be stacked on canal lands without the special permission in Writing of the canal officer.


No vessel shall load or unload on any part of a canal or channel within one mile on

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ either side of a wharf, jetty or landing place except with the special permission in writing of the Executive Engineer, West Coast Division, and except on payment of fees prescribed in the notification published under section 6 of the Act, for the use of such wharf, jetty or landing place.

13. Private wharves.-

No private wharf or landing stage shall be constructed on any public canal without the previous sanction of Government.

14. Free board-

No vessel carrying cargo shall be navigated in the canals unless it has a free board of at least nine inches, and no vessel carrying passengers, shall be so navigated unless it has a free board of at least twelve inches. The free board shall be measured from the water's edge to the top of the gunwale, when the vessel has no deck and to the upper side of the plank of the deck, when the vessel has a deck.

15. Passenger boats may carry cargo on certain conditions.-

A boat licensed to carry passengers may also Carry cargo, every ten cubic feet of cargo being considered as equivalent to one passenger, but the total of the number of passengers so calculated and the passengers actually carried shall not exceed the number of passengers which the boat is licensed to carry. If no passengers are carried, a boat licensed to carry passengers may carry cargo, subject only to the limit of free board of nine inches provided for in rule 14. No such vessel shall carry cargo such as fish, manure, bones, skins or other articles which in the opinion of the canal officer is offensive or dangerous.

16. Care and management of vessels-

No vessel shall be navigated without one person at least on board, competent to steer and manage her and acquainted with the rules regulating the navigation of the canals. No vessel shall lie or be left without a person on board capable of taking care of her.

17. Lights.-

Vessels using any of the canals shall between sunset and sunrise exhibit the following lights:-

Vessels When moving When moved
Steam or motor boats One clear white light on the upper deck 2. One bull's eye bright on the port or left side. 3. One bull's eye bright green light 6 inches on the star board of the right side One clear white light not less than 4 feet above the water level and so placed that is shall be visible fore and aft
All other vessels One clear white light with glass not less than 3 inchesdiameter attached to the centre Do
Rafts One clear white light at each end One clear white light at each end at each outer Corner

The two bull's eye lights shall be so placed and fitted that both may be visible from a point directly ahead of the vessel and so as not to be obscured by any of the fittings, cargo or passengers. Subject to these provisions, the lights may be placed in the front or on the top of the cabin, at the sides of the vessel near the bow, or on supports specially provided for the purpose. Vessels using acetylene or other lights of high power must be provided with special arrangements for shrouding the light and must shroud the light when approaching or meeting other vessels.

18. Speed of steamers and motor vessels.-

No steamer or motor vessel shall travel at a greater speed than six miles per hour, and between sunset and sunrise the speed shall not

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ exceed three miles an hour. The speed shall be reduced to three miles an hour during the day and two miles an hour between sunset and sunrise when passing round a bend, or when approaching a lock or other navigation works. Every steamer or motor vessel shall be furnished with an efficient whistle or hooter and shall whistle or hoot when approaching a bend or a lock. Steamers and motor vessels shall be warped or poled into or out of locks and shall not use their propellers or paddle wheels until quite clear of the lock.

19. Vessels to keep to the left

(i) Boats passing through the canals shall keep in the left side, that is to say, boats going north shall keep to the west and boats going south shall keep to the east side of the canals.

(ii) Vessels or rafts going north shall keep Out of the Way, of vessels or rafts going South; a vessel or raft over taking another shall keep out of its way.

(iii) All vessels or rafts under sail shall lower their sails when passing through a masonry aqueduct, lock or flood gate.

20. Passing of vessels

(a) When one vessel overtakes and passes another the overtaking vessel shall pass outside, that is, to the right of the over taken vessel which must keep as far to the left as possible to give room.

(b) In open Water, a steam or motor boat must keep out of the way of a boat under sail.

21. Inspection of vessels other than steamers or motor boats.-

The canal officer shall from time to time inspect all licensed vessels and see if they are maintained in a proper state of repair and cleanliness and if their gear is in good condition and may suspend the licence if a vessel is out of repair or unsafe or otherwise unfit for public use or for the carriage of goods as the case may be. So long as a licence is Suspended, the vessel to which it relates shall not ply on any of the canals.

22. Inspection of motor vessels.-

All motor vessels shall be inspected by the Executive Engineer or the officer empowered by him before they are licensed and once every year thereafter to see that they and their machinery are in good working order and they are in charge of a competent crew and an inspection certificate issued. In the event of such determination of the machinery as may in the opinion of the inspection officer cause danger the licence of the vessel shall be cancelled or suspended.

23. Production of licence.-

A copy of the licence shall be exhibited publicly on the vessel, and a copy shall also at all times be carried by the navigating officer in charge of the vessel and shall be shown on demand by any canal officer, any police officer not below the rank of Sub-Inspector or any Magistrate.

24. Limit of Canal officer's powers.-

A canal officer may, on account of infringement of any of the provisions of the Act or any of the rules passed under it, suspend the annual licence of a vessel for not more than fifteen days for a first offence, thirty days for a second offence in the same year, sixty days for a third offence in the same year and for the unexpired portion of the licence for a fourth offence in the same year.

25. Pass for vessels under suspension to proceed to their destination.-

When the licence for a vessel carrying cargo or passengers or both is suspended, the officer by whom the licence is Suspended shall grant a pass in the prescribed form permitting the vessel to proceed to its destination for the purpose of landing cargo and passengers or to a place where she can be repaired. Such passes shall be in duplicate, of which one part shall be retained in the issuing office and the other part shall be delivered to the person in charge of the vessel. The fact and period of suspension shall be recorded by the canal officer upon the licence and upon the counterpart, but if the counterpart is not in his possession, he shall communicate the fact of Suspension to the officer who issued the licence. In the case of suspension of a licence because of the defective state of a vessel's hull, machinery or gear, the suspension shall continue until the owner obtains a certificate from an inspection officer that the necessary repairs have been effected and that the vessel is again safe, sound and fit for the navigation of the canals. Such certificate

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ shall be endorsed on the original licence immediately under the order of suspension, which latter shall thereupon cease to have any effect. The order of suspension shall declare that it shall be in force unless and until such certificate shall be served upon and be filled by the officer who suspended the original licence.

26. Marks and Figures to be painted on vessels.-

The owners of vessels other than rafts shall have the following figures and marks painted conspicuously on their vessels before using them on any of the canals and shall be responsible that those marks and figures are not defaced or obliterated.

(1) The number of licence or certificate registration and the initial M shall be painted on each bow.
(2) The tonnage of the vessel shall be similarly painted on each side of the stern post above the load line.
(3) The number of passengers, which the vessel is licenced to carry, on the stern of each such vessel or on the after-part of the cabin with the letter P prefixed.
(4) The load line for a length of 3 feet amidships, on both sides.
(5) Gauges in feet and tenth, with figures indicating feet and half feet, shall be painted on both ends of vessels to enable their actual draft to be readily ascertained at any time.

The said numerals and letters shall be in English and shall be painted in white on a black ground or black on a white ground. Each numeral or letter shall be not less than 4 inches in length and of proportionate breadth.

Note:- Clauses (1), (2), and (5) of the rule will apply to all private vessels intended for the personal use of the owners.
27. Circulation of rules.-

A copy of the navigation rules, in English or in the Vernacular, shall at the time of registration or taking out a licence for every vessel other than a raft, be given to the owner or person in charge thereof, if he has not already got one and his signature taken in the register in token that he has received or has already in his possession a copy of the rules.

28. Mooring of vessels.-

The Collector or the Executive Engineer, may from time to time, notify that no vessel shall be moored, or that no cargo shall be loaded or unloaded or passengers shipped or landed in any canal or part of a canal, except at specified places. Such notifications may be made applicable only to vessels carrying certain classes of goods.

29. Temporary suspension of traffic.-

The Collector or the Executive Engineer may from time to time notify that navigation shall be suspended temporarily between specified dates on any canal or part of a Canal.

30. Interference with locks, etc.-

No person unless authorised shall interfere with the locks or any part of their machinery and with any of the lighting signals or other appliances for the Working of the canal system.

31. Damage by any vessel.-

If any vessel or raft fouls any lock gates, lock masonry etc., and thereby causes damage thereto, the section officer or the lock or wharf superintendent shall assess the amount of damage so caused. A notice specifying the amount of damage and demanding its payment shall be served on the master or owner of the vessel or raft and a copy of it sent simultaneously to the Sub-divisional Officer. Within one week of the service of the notice of demand, the amount shall be paid. It shall be lawful for the section officer or the lock or wharf superintendent as the case may be to seize the vessel or raft immediately the damage had been caused, and detain it until the amount is paid, the responsibility for safeguarding the contents of the vessel or raft resting solely with the owner thereof, and if within three days after the expiry of the week fixed for payment specified in the notice, the аmоunt together with the cost of seizure or detention is not paid, the vessel or raft shall be sold with the approval of the Executive Engineer and out the sale-proceeds the section officer or the lock or wharf superintendent as the case may be shall pay to the credit of Government the amount of damage, Cost of seizure, detention and sale, rendering to the owner the over plus, if any, on demand.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ In cases where the vessel is carrying passengers, or perishable cargo, a permit shall be issued for the vessel to proceed to its destination.

32. Place and time of repairs of vessels.-

No vessel shall be repaired in any canal without the written permission of the canal officer. The repairs shall be made at the place and during the time named in the Written permission, and at no other place or time. The owner of the vessel shall remove from the canal all surplus materials used for such repairs within fifteen days after the repairs are completed. In the event of his failure to do so such materials shall be removed by the canal officer at the expense of the owner of the vessel and the licence may be suspended until payment is made.

A vessel which has been enlarged or structurally altered in such a manner as to affect the conditions upon which the licence or certificate was obtained, shall not ply until it is remeasured and a fresh licence or certificate is obtained. Such remeasurement and application for a fresh licence or certificate shall be made at the station at which the original licence or certificate was obtained. The applicant shall deliver up the old licence or certificate and shall, if the fee payable for the fresh licence is higher than that paid for the original licence, pay the difference between the fee paid for the original licence, and the fee payable for the fresh licence.

32 A. Petroleum vessels.-

Notwithstanding anything contained in the foregoing rules, the following provisions shall apply in respect of vessels carrying petroleum in bulk or dangerous petroleum in tins (hereinafter referred to as petroleum vessel) on any canal.

(a) No petroleum vessel shall be tied up in any canal within a quarter of a mile of any lock or wharf or within such other distance therefrom as may from time to time be fixed by the Executive Engineer or other canal officer not below the rank of section officer of the Public Works Department. The limits within which a petroleum vessel may not be so tied up shall be indicated by red posts: provided that a petroleum vessel may, subject to the provisions of clause (c) be tied up within the limits aforesaid of a lock for such period as may be necessary to allow its arrival to be intimated to the Lock Superintendent and for the lock gates to be opened.
(b) From sunset to sunrise, two guarded red lights of a pattern approved by the Executive Engineer shall be displayed one on the bow and the other on the stern of a petroleum vessel, while using any canal, and on that side of the vessel on which other vessels may pass it.
(c) A petroleum vessel shall not enter a lock when there is any vessel there in nor shall a petroleum vessel remain with any vessel in the approach or tail channel of a lock. No vessel shall enter a lock or the approach or the tail channel thereof while there is a petroleum vessel in such lock, approach or tail channel.
(d) A petroleum vessel shall be passed through a lock in precedence of all other vessels.
(e) The Executive Engineer or other canal officer not below the rank of section officer of the Public Works Department may, by notice to the licensee or the person in charge of a petroleum vessel, prohibit it from plying in any canal or portion thereof, if in his opinion.
(i) the vessel is in danger of stranding by reason of the shallowness of Water in such canal or portion, or -
(ii) there is danger of any flood in such canal or portion.
(f) Every petroleum vessel shall carry suitable mooring chains and no such vessel shall be moored solely by means of ropes.
(g) Clauses (a), (b), (c), (e) and (f) shall apply to every vessel which has been used as a petroleum vessel until the petroleum compartments therein have been thoroughly cleaned and the vessel rendered quite free from petroleum and petroleum vapour.
(h) Petroleum in bulk and dangerous petroleum in tins shall not be loaded, or unloaded from any vessel or transported from one vessel to another except between Sunrise and Sunset and except at a place approved by the Executive Engineer or other Canal Officer not below the rank of Section Officer of the Public Works Department in that behalf. Such place shall ordinarily be at a distance of not less than a quarter of a mile from any wharf or dwelling house.
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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ

(i) The following precautions shall be taken by vessels loading or unloading petroleum to bulk or dangerous petroleum in tins whether for transhipment or otherwise:-

(1) Vessels of the tonnage mentioned in column (1) of the table below shall be provided with the number of fire buckets specified in the corresponding entry in Column (2) thereof half the number being placed in the bow of the vessel and the other half in the stem thereof. Every fire bucket shall be at least 12 inches high and at least 10 inches deep and shall be filled with sand.

Tonnage of Vessel No of fire buckets
(1) (2)
Not Exeeding 10 tons 8
Exceeding 10 but not exedding 20 tons 12

The red flags of the description specified in sub-clause (1) of clause (d) of rule 38 of the Petroleum Rules, 1937, shall be hoisted prominently one at the bow and the other at the stem of the vessel concerned.

(2) No fire or light of any description (other than lights required by these rules) no matches and no detonating article or substance whatsoever shall be or shall be taken.

(i) on board any petroleum Vessel; or
(ii) on board any vessel while within the limits of any place approved for loading.

All lights required under these rules to be used on petroleum vessels shall be of the guarded type and of a pattern approved by the Executive Engineer.

(3) No person shall cook in any petroleum vessel, and all cooking by any person in charge of Such a vessel or by any person therein shall be done on the banks of the canal and at a distance of not less than one hundred yards from the mooring place.

(4) No person shall smoke while on board a petroleum vessel or while within the limits of any place approved for loading or unloading.

(5) Dangerous and non-dangerous petroleum shall not be conveyed together on the same vessel nor shall they be loaded or unloaded at the same time and place.

(6) Leaky tins containing dangerous petroleum shall not be loaded into a petroleum vessel, nor shall any leaky tins be stacked together with sound ones at loading or unloading places.

(7) The bilges of every vessel which has carried petroleum shall, immediately after the vessel has been unloaded be throughly cleared of all traces of petroleum and dried and the holds shall be thoroughly ventilated.

(j) Petroleum in bulk shall not be carried except in a vessel certified in the manner provided by rule 30 of the Petroleum Rules, 1937, issued under the Petroleum Act, 1934. Dangerous petroleum in tins shall not be carried in any vessel without the written authorization of the Executive Engineer or a Canal Officer not below the rank of Sub-divisional Officer, obtained on an application made in that behalf. The Executive Engineer or the Canal Officer aforesaid shall grant the said authorization after verifying, if necessary, that the safety appliances, safety lamps and mooring chains are provided in the vessel as required by this rule. Such authorization shall be carried by the tindal of the vessel and shall be produced on demand by any Wharf Superintendent, Lock Superintendent or Canal Officer.

33. The following rules and restrictions shall apply to

(1) the Cannolly Canal

(2) the Sultan's canal, (3) the Kalvetti canal

(4) the improved cannolly canal between pooraparamba and Tirur rivers.

(a) No steamers or motor vessel shall navigate these canals.

(b) No vessel or raft more than 12 feet in breadth or drawing more than 2 feet of water

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ when loaded shall navigate the canals numbered (1), (2) and (3) above. No vessel or raft more than 9 feet in breadth or drawing more than 2 feet of water when loaded shall navigate the canal numbered (4) above:

Provided that the Collector or the Executive Engineer, for special reasons, exempt any vessel from any of these restrictions temporarily

34. Out-break of epidemic diseases on board of vessels.-

(1) It shall be the duty of the master of a vessel in any canal to report the occurrence on such vessel of any case of cholera or smallpox at the lock, wharf or licensing station at which the vessel arrives next after such occurrence, the report to be made to the lock or wharf superintendents or other officers of the Public Works Department in charge at such places.

(2) The Public Works Department in charge shall, under section 7 of the Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890, stop such vessel at once from proceeding further, remove all passengers or other persons from the vessel, and isolate it as far as possible until it has been disinfected.

(3) The Canal officers shall report the occurrence to the nearest Medical Officer and shall, until the arrival of that Officer, render every assistance in their power to subdue the outbreak by the distribution of medicines and disinfectants.

(4) The vessel shall not be allowed to proceed without a written permit from the Medical Officer.

35. Carriage of lepers.-

No person suffering from leprosy shall be carried on board any vessel licensed to carry passengers unless

(i) arrangements have been made to the satisfaction of the canal officer for the separation of the person and his attendants during the whole time that they remain on the vessel from other persons carried in the same vessel, and

(ii) any other special precautions which the canal officer may consider necessary have been taken to prevent infection being communicated to other persons employed on or travelling in the vessel.

36. In these rules, unless there is anything repugnant to the Subject or Context, "Government" means

the "Government of Madras".

FORM (Vide rule 3)
(In Duplicate)
Licence for a steamer or motor vessel

The vessel described below is licensed to carry passengers and goods and to ply for hire on the lines of navigation specified below subject to the following conditions:-

1.          Number of licence

2.          Owners' name

3.          Owners' residence

4.          Description of vessel

5.          Place where vessel was built

6.          Year in which vessel was built

7.          Extreme dimensions

8.          Measurements for tonnage           {Length, feet Breadth, feet

9.          Contents, cubic feet           {Lenght,feet, Breadth, feet,Depth, feet

10.        Gross tonnage           {Lenght,feet, Breadth, feet,Depth, feet

11.        Deduction

12.        Registered tonnage

13.        Date of expiry of licence, last day of the Malayalam year

14.        Amount of licence fee paid, Rupees

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ


(1) This licence is granted subject to the provisions of the Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890 (Madras Act II of 1890), and the rules framed thereunder for the lines of navigation in the Malabar district and shall be in force until the last day of the Malayalam year following unless previously cancelled or suspended in accordance with these conditions.

(2) The maximum load which the vessel may carry shall be as follows excluding crew:-

(a) If only passengers are carried Passengers.
(b) If only cargo is carried                 Ib.
(c) If passengers and cargo are carried, 10 c.ft. of cargo shall be equivalent to one passenger.

(3) The vessel shall carry not less than the following crew:-

          Engineers           Navigation officers           Men.

(4) The vessel shall be driven only by a driver holding a licence granted by the Executive Engineer.

(5) The Collector or the Executive Engineer may suspend or cancel the licence at any time for any breach of its conditions or of the provisions of the Act or rules framed thereunder or if, on inspection under the navigation rules, the inspecting officer considers that there are such defects as to cause danger.

(6) The licensed owner shall report any change of ownership and shall be responsible for all acts done under cover of the licence until the licence has been corrected.

(7) Application for renewal of the licence shall be made to the Executive Engineer at least a month before the expiry.


          Date                     Place                                       Cause of                                                         period of suspension                                                           Signature of the                                                                                                                     suspension                                                                             from     to                                                           officer ordering suspension

          (1)                                 (2)                                   (3)                                                                                   (4)           (5)                                                                   (6)

Note:- Rules 12, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 23, 24, 27, 32, 34 and 35 to be printed on the back of the form.

FORM (vide rule 3)
(In Duplicate)
Licence for vessels other than steamers, motor vessels and Crafts

This licence is granted to permit the vessel described below to carry passengers and goods and to ply for hire according to the rules passed under Act II of 1890

          1) Number of licence

          2) Owners' name

          (3) Owner's residence

          (4) Description of vessel

          (5) Place where vessel was built.

          (6) Year in which vessel was built. Length, feet

          (7) Extreme dimensions Breadth, feet Length, feet

          (8) Measurements for tonnage Breadth, feet Depth, feet

          (9) Contents,cubic feet

          (10) Gross tonnage

          (11) Deduction

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ           (12) Registered tonnage

          (13) Date of expiry of licence, last day of the Malayalam year

          (14) Amount of licence fee paid, Rupees

Note:- Ten Cubic feet of cargo shall be equivalent to one passenger


date place couse of suspension periode of suspension Signature of officer ordering suspension
from To
1 2 3 4 5 6

Note:- Rules 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27, 32, 34 and 35 to be printed on the back of the form.

FORM (vide rule 3)
Certificate of registration for vessels intended for personal use of the owner.

The motor vessel described below is registered for private use on the canal but not to carry goods, animals, passengers for hire or purposes of trader-


          Name of owner

          Residence of Owner

          Description of vessel

          Vessel built at

          Year in which the vessel was built

          Amount of fee paid, Rupees

          Period for which this certificate holds good

          Date of expiration of the term of this certificate

(1) This certificate is granted subject to the provisions of the Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890, and the rules framed thereunder, for the lines of navigation in the Malabar district subject to the following conditions.

(2) The vessel shall carry not less than the following crew:-

          Engineers           Navigation officers           Men

(3) The vessel shall be driven only by driver holding a licence granted by the Executive Engineer.

(4) The Collector or Executive Engineer may suspend or cancel the certificate of registration at any time for any breach of its conditions or of the provisions of the Actor rules framed thereunder or if on inspection under the navigation rules the inspecting officer considers that there are such defects as to cause danger.

(5) The owner in whose name the certificate of registration has been granted shall report any change of ownership and shall be responsible for all acts done under cover of the certificate until the certificate has been corrected.

(6) Application for renewal of the certificate of registration shall be made to the Executive Engineer at least a month before the expiry.


Period of Suspension Cause of Place Date Signature of the Officer
From To Suspension ordering suspension

Note:- Rules 12, 16, 17, 19, 23, 24, 27, 32, 34 and 35 to be printed on the back of the form.

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ

FORM (vide rule 25)
Pass for a vessel, the licence of which is suspended,
to proceed to its destination or place of repair

This pass is granted to permit the vessel noted below to proceed to its destination or place of repair, its licence having been suspended:-

          Number of vessel

          Place and date of licence

          Name of Owner

          Residence of owner

          Period of suspension

          Number of rule infringed

          Place of destination

          Place where suspension should take effect


          Date                                         Signature of Canal Officer

FORM (vide rule 11)
(In Duplicate)
Six weeks licence for Rafts

          This licence is granted to permit the raft noted below to navigate the canals according to the rules framed under the Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890 -

          Number of licence

          Description of raft Length, feet

          Dimensions Breadth, feet

          Superficial area, square feet.

          Number of units of 100 sq. ft. or fraction thereof.

          Amount offee paid-Rupees A. P.

          Date of expiration of licence

          Place of issue

          Date of issue                                                   Signature of Canal Officer

                    Renewal                                                                                                     Signature of the officer who

      Place           Date                                                   Date of Expiry                                         renews the licence

          NB:- This licence is to be shown on renewal.

          Note:-Rules 12, 17, 19, 20, 24, and 27 to be printed back of the form

FORM (vide rule 10)
(In Duplicate)
Pass for vessels for which the licence or certificate
of registration has been lost

This pass is granted to permit the vessel noted below to navigate the canal without licence as it is reported that the Licence/certificate of registration has been lost. The fee prescribed for issuing a duplicate Licence/certificate of registration has been paid;

          Number of vessel

          Description of vessel

          Place and date of Licence/certificate of registration

          Name of Owner

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വർഗ്ഗം:റെപ്പോയിൽ സ്വീകരിച്ച ലേഖനങ്ങൾ           Residence of owner

          Fees paid - Rupees

          Date of issue

          Place of issue

                                                                                                                                  Signature of Canal Officer

Navigation Rules - Kalvetti Canal, 1114 In exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890 (Madras Act II of 1890), and in supersession of all previous rules on the subject except the general rules published with the Public Works Department Notification at pages 1083-1091 of Part of the Fort St. George Gazette, dated the 25th September 1923, as subsequently amended, the Governor in Council is hereby pleased to make the following special rules to regulate navigation in the Kalvetti canal in Cochin, in addition to the general rules aforesaid:-

(1) All vessels using the canal shall be moored at one side of the canal or the other, leaving a clear space in the centre for other traffic.

(2) No vessel shall be allowed to be hauled over the canal embankment unless its owner has constructed a shed therefore.

(3) Owners of vessels of one ton and over who have provided adequate shed accommodation for their vessels shall register their names at the municipal office, Cochin, and thereupon they shall be given a Certificate of registration signed by the executive authority of the municipality.

(4) Logs of timber and rafts of any description shall enter the canal only during rising tide and shall be taken direct to the timber depots. The owners or persons in charge of such logs or rafts shall not keep them in the canal so as to obstruct traffic therein.

(5) No vessel shall be moored or tied to the municipal piles, the owners or persons in charge of Vessel making their own arrangements for securing them to stern.

Note:- Any infringement of the foregoing rules will attract the penalties prescribed by Section 17 and 20 of the Act.
Special Rules for the use of and payment of fees at landing places, Jetty and wharf

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 16 of the Canals and Public Ferries Act, 1890 (Madras Act II of 1890), the State Government are hereby pleased to make the following special rules for the use of, and the payment of fees at, the landing places, jetty and wharf notified under Section 6 of the Act:-


In these rules, the expression 'goods' shall include empty bags, baskets, boxes, casks or other receptacles in which goods are usually carried.

(2) The fee for the use of landing places, jetty and wharf referred to above shall be paid by the OWner of every boat which loads or unloads goods at any such landing place, jetty or Wharf near Chowghat, a ticket shall be issued on payment of the fees referred to above. Such ticket will permit the holder to make use of the jetty and landing place and wharf for a period not exceeding seven days from the date of issue counting from previous midnight.

(3) Goods shall not be stacked on any towpath or on the canal side of any towpath under any circumstances.

(4) All boats stopping for the purpose of loading or unloading goods at the landing places shall moor along the canal banks at the places specified by the Canal Officers.

(5) The penalty prescribed in rule 12 of the Navigation Rules for the West Coast Canals, published with Public Works Department's Notification, dated the 22nd September, 1923, at pages 1084-1988 of Part I of the Fort. St. George Gazette, dated the 25th September, 1923, shall apply to any infringement of these rules or any refusal by the owner or other person in charge of a boat to furnish any information required by a Canal Officer.

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