Panchayat:Repo18/Law Manual Page0813

From Panchayatwiki

(b) Number of floors shall be limited to two & a stair room;

(c) The minimum distance between buildings shall not be less than 1.50 metres;

(d) Minimum front open space of 1.50 metres shall be provided exclusively for each unit;

(e) A toilet shall be provided for each unit; with necessary leach pit or septic tank, which may be common.

100. In the case of construction/developments other than huts made by Tribal people in their land inside or outside a cluster of houses/settlement; the Panchayat may provide necessary assistance and guidelines so as to conform to the guidelines in the Rule 99, and also give necessary technical and infrastructural support as far as possible; and number the houses.


101. Groundwater recharging arrangements.- (1) Unless otherwise stipulated specifically in a Town Planning Scheme, workable groundwater recharging arrangement shall be provided as an integral part of all new building constructions through collection of rooftop rainwater:

Provided that, the groundwater recharging arrangements are not mandatory for thatched buildings and for single family residential buildings if the total floor area is upto 150 sq.metres and if the total plot area is upto 320 sq.metres;

(2) The components of workable groundwater recharging arrangements as stipulated in sub rule (1) above, shall include:

(i) Roof gutters

(ii) Down pipe

(iii) Filter unit

(iv) Recharge well or Recharge pond or Percolation pit:

Provided that, open well or pond within the plot can be used as recharge components as mentioned in item (iv) above:

Provided further that, filter unit as mentioned in item (iii) shall be mandatory only in situations where rainwater is recharged directly to the groundwater through open wells, ponds and the like. (3) In exceptional cases such as water logging or impermeable subsoil conditions to considerable depths, the groundwater recharging arrangements for building constructions need not be made mandatory.

(4) The owner(s)/occupier(s) shall maintain the rooftops and the groundwater recharging arrangements in healthy working condition.

102. Rainwater storage Arrangements.-(1) Unless otherwise stipulated specifically in a Town Planning Scheme, workable rainwater storage arrangements shall be provided as an integral part of all new building constructions through the collection of rooftop rainwater for the following occupancies, namely:

(i) Group A1 Residential (In the case of single family residential buildings, if the total floor area of the building isupto 150

                                                                                     sq.metres and if the plot area is upto 320  sq.metres, the rainwater  storage arrangements are not                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

(ii) Group A2 Lodging Houses

(iii) Group B Educational

(iv) Group C Medical/hospital