
From Panchayatwiki

Note:- The requirements of exhaust fans shall not be insisted on in the case of temporary cinemas.

Special provisions in the case of certain cinematograph exhibitions
115. The rules in this part shall apply to-
(a) Cinematograph exhibitions given in Schools or halls for occasional public use;
(b) Cinematograph exhibitions given in the open air or in pandals, where the sides cannot be enclosed; and
(c) Cinematograph exhibitions given in any place with an enclosed bulb projector with films not greater in width than 16 millimetres.
116. (1) In the case of cinematograph exhibitions given in Schools or halls for occasional public use, the following provisions shall apply, namely:-
(a) Where it is not practicable to have a fire proof projection room, a clear space of 1.8 metres shall be railed off all round the cinematograph apparatus.
(b) No drappery or unprojected combustible material shall be within 1.8 metres of apparatus.
(c) The following fire extinguishing appliances shall be provided near the enclosure:-
(i) two portable fire-extinguishers in accordance with Rule 107,
(ii) One blanket; and
(iii) three buckets of water with one large sponge in one of the buckets.
(2) in the case of cinematograph exhibitions given in the open air or in pandals where the sides cannot be enclosed, there shall be on each side an aperture at least 2.15 metres high and 5.5 metres wide. The aperture may be closed by "latties' fixed on split bamboo frame and fastened by twine on the inside.
(3) In the case of cinematograph exhibitions given in any place with enclosed bulb projector with non-inflammable films not greater in width than 16 millimetres, the provisions of sub-rules (1) and (2) shall not apply but free licences may be issued subject to the following Conditions, in addition to the conditions of the licence in Form 'E' annexed to these rules:-
(i) The equipment shall be initially inspected by the Regional Electrical Inspector concerned who shall certify that the equipment conforms to this sub-rule. Afee of rupee five shall be paid into a Government Treasury to the credit of the Government and the Treasury receipt forwarded to the Regional Electrical Inspector concerned fifteen days before the certificate is required.
(ii) One portable fire-extinguisher conforming to rule 108 or one bucket of dry sand shall be placed near the apparatus and when in use.
(iii) A clear space of 1.2 metres shall be left round the apparatus and none except the cinema employee shall be allowed to be within a radius of 1.2 metres of the apparatus. The frame of the projector shall be efficiently earthed.
117. Save as provided in Rule 116, the rules contained in Parts II, IV to IX shall not apply to any cinematograph exhibitions to which this part applies; provided that the licensing authority may, in consultation with the Executive Engineer and the Regional Electrical Inspector concerned, apply to any such exhibition such of the rules contained in the said part and with such modifications as he may consider necessary.

118. If any question arises as to the interpretation of these rules otherwise than in connection with the prosecution for an offence, the question shall be referred to the Government, whose decision shall be final.

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Sajithomas

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