
From Panchayatwiki

Ordinary Penalties
See Section 134 (1)

Section Sub Section or Clause Subject Fine which may be imposed
24 (2) Failure of the owner or other person having control to obey or comply with the directions contained in a notice requiring to keep any well, etc. in good repair, to cleanse it, or protect, etc Fifty rupees
26 ... Owner of new dwelling house occupying or permitting its occupation without a supply of wholesome Water Fifty rupees
28 (1) Failure to comply with notice to provide efficient drainage Fifty rupees
29 ... Failure to comply with notice requiring toConnect a house drain with an outside drain Fifty rupees
3O ... Failure on the part of the owner of land to comply with notice requiring a drain for a hut On the land One hundred rupees
31 ... Failure to comply with notice for paving or raising the level of any court-yard, etc Fifty rupees
32 (1) Unlawful construction of cess-pool or construction of cess-pool on unapproved Site Fifty rupees
(2) Failure to comply with notice requiring removal or closure of Cess-pool Fifty rupees
33 ... Occupying or permitting occupation of new building without drain One hundred rupees
34 ... Letting out Sullage or sewage into a street, etc. Fifty rupees
35 ... Discharging injurious, refuse, etc., into a drain One hundred rupees
36 ... Polluting water-course One hundred rupees
38 ... Constructing or re-constructing a building intended for human habitation without a sanitary convenience Fifty rupees
39 ... Failure to comply with notice regarding provision of sanitary conveniences or latrines Fifty rupees
40 (1) Failure to construct and maintain latrines in the prescribed manner Fifty rupees
(2) Failure to comply with notice regarding removal or improvement of latrines Fifty rupees
(3) Causing injury to latrines Fifty rupees
44 ... Failure to comply with notice to abate nuisance Fifty rupees
46 ... Failure to comply with Magistrate's order prohibiting the use of a house or building One hundred rupees
51 (1) Depositing filth, rubbish, etc., in streets Twenty-fiverupees
(2) Easing or permitting a member of the family to ease in a street, etc., Twenty-fiverupees

This page is Accepted in Panchayath Wiki Project. updated on: 30/ 05/ 2019 by: Manoj

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